2 different homework’s (one is 400 words) ( second is 2 paragraphs, articles provided) – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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2 different homework’s (one is 400 words) ( second is 2 paragraphs, articles provided) – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
1. In many communities, police are viewed with suspicion, perhaps hatred. How much of that is based on personal experience and how much is related to depictions in the media, both in the news and drama (especially television) Write 400 words about the reputation of police – good and bad – the causes and what can police executives do to mitigate the negatives?2.I would like to further delve on the cultural critique theme and connect this with Foucault’s idea of power. Please read the articles located in the Week 4 reading section on BB. The two scholarly articles assigned for this week engage with culture as a part of a knowledge project that is situated within specific dynamics of power. Both articles reflect on the manner in which anthropology as a discipline in itself reproduces ideas of “us” and the “other”. The article “Raciontologies: Rethinking anthropological accounts of institutional racism and enactments of White supremacy in the United States “ is authored by Vanessa Diaz and Jonathan Rosa. Vanessa Diaz is Assistant Professor of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies | Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies at Loyla Marymount University. Dr. Vanessa Díaz is an interdisciplinary ethnographer, filmmaker, and journalist. Díaz’s first book, Manufacturing Celebrity: How Latino Paparazzi and Women Reporters Build the Hollywood Industrial Complex, was recently published with Duke University Press. Jonathan Rosa is Associate Professor at Stanford and is a sociocultural and linguistic anthropologist, His research examines the interplay between youth socialization, raciolinguistic formations, and structural inequity in urban contexts. The article “Deprovincializing Trump, decolonizing diversity, and unsettling anthropology” is authored by Jonathan Rosa and Yarimar Bonilla. Yarimar Bonilla is a Puerto Rican political anthropologist, author, columnist, and professor of anthropology and Puerto Rican studies at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
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