2023 1 Companies that engage in a Cycle of Success are more likely to | Assignments Online

2023 1 Companies that engage in a Cycle of Success are more likely to | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance

1. Companies that engage in a “Cycle of Success” are more likely to have which of the following? (Points : 1)       

Happier employees      

 More loyal customers   

    Higher profit margins  

     Better wages     

  All of the above


2. Empowerment is based on the “control” model that assumes employees are capable of making good decisions. (Points : 1)       True        False 


3. The two dimensions of Russell’s model of affect are ____________ and ____________. (Points : 1)       centrality; dominance       

pleasure; arousal      

 centrality; permanence      

 pleasure; regret       

fullness; looseness


4. Full-time workers perform better than part-time workers, but part-time workers are more satisfied. (Points : 1)       True        False 


5. Of the following, which is NOT an ambient condition that irritates shoppers according to Alain d’Astous? (Points : 1)      

 Store is too small    

   Store is not clean     

  Too hot inside the store or the shopping center       

Music inside the store is too loud       

Bad smell in the store


6. Part-time customer service representatives are far less likely to be satisfied with their work as full-time staff. (Points : 1)       True        False 


7. Servicescapes are never purely function. (Points : 1)       True        False 


8. Service environments, also called ____________ relate to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites. (Points : 1)       

service planes       


service boxes      


 service vaults


9. Organizations that display a commitment to effective human resources management are characterized by 

A lack of verifiable industry distinction and market separtion

A distinctive culture of service lealeadership and role modeling by top management

A systems of intensive rules and regulations

Anincrease in market share and lowers acquisition costs

Mediocrity and high employees turnover


10. Great reference from past employers are not a form of behavioral observation. True flase

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