2023 Cases should be submitted in advance of the due date They should include a two page single spaced Times | Assignments Online
2023 Cases should be submitted in advance of the due date They should include a two page single spaced Times | Assignments Online
Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance
Cases should be submitted in advance of the due date. They should include a two-page single spaced, Times New Roman font of 11 or 12. The case summary must not be plagarized (rewriting someone elses ideas in by changing the words is still plagarism), should demonstrate your analytical abilities to critically discuss relevance of case, present an appropriate and in-depth summary, identify and analyze all relevant issues at stake, identify the ramifications of the events discussed in the case both locally and industry wide, identify the prevailing ethical culture of the organizations, reflect upon the solution presented, make suggestions for what could have been in place as a preventative measure, reference course concepts discussed in the course with appropriate citations to resources, and make suggestions for the future, etc. The question themselves should be appropriately numbered and retyped as well as include in-depth answers. The cases make up a fairly significant portion of your grade for the term. Failing to submit a case is a zero that you do not want to receive.
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