2023 Module Overview In this module you will learn about the challenges in applying the | Assignments Online

2023 Module Overview In this module you will learn about the challenges in applying the | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business Finance

Module Overview

In this module, you will learn about the challenges in applying the value-chain model in a business. You will also learn how you can address these challenges and add value through economic and sustainable business practices.

Whether defining sustainability in the relatively narrow scope of the natural environment or taking a broader view and including social responsibilities such as poverty eradication, the challenge to maintain a sustainable business is growing ever more complex. For example, a company using a manufacturing method that is environmentally unsafe will have to change its methods if it is to remain competitive and even viable in today’s marketplace. Any change that company makes to become more sustainable also affects that company’s value chain. An example of this is gasoline. Gasoline powered cars pollute the environment, and at the same time deplete oil reserves. One way that the value chain was changed to respond to this issue was with the addition of ethanol as 10% of the fuel mixture. The environmental benefit of this ethanol mix is that it burns cleaner and less crude oil ends up in each tank of gas. Auto manufacturers had to change their manufacturing and tuning of engines to efficiently burn the reformulated fuel.

Another example of the relationship between sustainability and value chain is bottled water. There has been considerable debate regarding whether or not plastic bottles commonly used for bottled water are environmentally friendly. General consensus is they are not. To remain sustainable, bottled water manufacturers made changes in the way they produce plastic bottles. Some made a switch to more environmentally friendly plastics while others changed the weight of their bottles, resulting in production that used less plastic and rendered thinner bottles. Regardless of how each manufacturer approached its sustainable solution the value chain for each also changed.

Module Readings

Complete the following readings early in the module:

  • Module overview

Assigned Reading:

Assignment: Required Assignment 2—Implementation of Sustainability in an Organization

All consumers and firms affect sustainability in different ways, either directly or indirectly. In practicing sustainability, a firm could create value for consumers, investors, and other stakeholders, such as the community in which the firm operates within its value chain. In addition, a firm engaging in good sustainable practices can fulfill the needs of its customers, earn a profit, and preserve the environment. This assignment will allow you, as a consumer, to explore how you can impact sustainability. 



Propose a sustainability investment plan to improve the performance of your work group or organization or an organization you hope to work for. The investment can be made in human resources, in expansion of tangible or intangible assets toward new uses, or in capital equipment or new technology.

Analyze how the investment plan achieves the following:

  • Contributes to the mission of the company
  • Expands rewards for all major components of the value chain, which should include the company, employees, suppliers, and customers
  • Generates wealth or value and is sustainable over time
  • Evaluates and anticipates risks associated with the investment 

Organize your work to create a 2- to 3-page professional memo in a Microsoft Word document outlining your investment plan to the director and an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation script with complete endnotes explaining your recommendations to employees in your work group. Follow APA standards for citation of sources. 

Submission Details:

  • Save your  2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with your 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation By Monday November 12, 2018, submit your documents to the Submissions Area.  This assignment is worth 300 points  

Turned-in on time, Grading criteria followed All assignment qualifications addressed correctly, Grading Criteria followed, Include Question followed by the answer  Reference Page Included Cover page Included, Paragraphs  Indented,  Running-head included, main heading should be centered; all  new  paragraphs should be indented;  paper should be right ragged,   not right justified; references,  should always go on a standalone  page. abstracts are not usually indented; acronyms should be spelled out when using them  for  the first time, for example HR. references as listed are APA  standard.   When you  submit your papers through turnitin.com, your overall  similarity  index  score should not be exceedingly high, with   ten to  fifteen percent  being  the maximum,  Please make sure your APA  formatting of citations. I have provided the  APA resource cite for you. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01, Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years,  keep in mind there should not be any one, two, or three sentence  paragraphs 

Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

 Assignment: Required Assignment 2—Implementation of Sustainability in an Organization Grading Criteria & Maximum Points:

Proposed a substantial investment plan to improve the performance of your work group or organization or an organization you hope to work for 48 pts.

Analyzed how the business plan contributes to the mission of the company. 48 pts.

Analyzed how the business plan expands rewards for all major components of the value chain, which should include the company, employees, suppliers, and customers. 48 pts.

Analyzed how the business plan generates wealth or value and is sustainable over time. 48 pts.

Analyzed how the business plan evaluates and anticipates risks associated with the investment. 48 pts.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 60 pts.

Total: 300 pts.

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