2023 Question 1 What does effective global leadership achieve What are the different roles | Assignments Online

2023 Question 1 What does effective global leadership achieve What are the different roles | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business Finance

 Question 1:   What  does effective global leadership achieve? What are the different roles  that managers on international assignment often assume to enhance  leadership effectiveness? Choose one country in South America and one  country in Europe to describe some of the differences.

Your response must 215 words in length

Question 2:   Technology  is one of the methods used in business overseas. Describe the impact of  e-business on leadership. What differences would a manager have to be  aware of if doing business in Africa, Australia, or South America?

Your response must 215 words in length

Question 3:   Describe  positive and negative outcomes that can result from societal,  political, and cultural differences when managing a corporation in North  America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Your response must 215 words in length

Question 4:   Different  cultures value personal, face-to-face contact and relationships with a  different levels of reverence. What are some cultures around the world  where you might want to utilize more one-on-one contact rather than sole  use of technology to motivate employees?

Your response must 215 words in length

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