2023 Reflecting on the past ten 10 weeks if you had the opportunity to talk | Assignments Online
2023 Reflecting on the past ten 10 weeks if you had the opportunity to talk | Assignments Online
Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance
- Reflecting on the past ten (10) weeks, if you had the opportunity to talk to the incoming MKT500 students, what would you tell them is the most important learning in this class? What is the one piece of advice that you would give to them?
- Does this course help to prepare the MBA student for the business world? Is there anything that you would change in this class to make it more relevant to the MBA curriculum?
- Search the Internet for an article that supports your position and post the source in your discussion, using APA or SWS formatting, for everyone to read. Please make sure you format your reference/source correctly to avoid plagiarism.
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