2023 Submit replies of at least 300 words to at least 2 other students | Assignments Online

2023 Submit replies of at least 300 words to at least 2 other students | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance


Submit replies of at least 300 words to at least 2 other students’ threads. Each reply must include a Scripture reference and at least 1 scholarly source, plus the text—all in current APA format.

12 hours ago 

Traci Tuders 



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Any type of change can be difficult for a company’s employees to make, especially when it comes to their pay and not getting the merit increases that they are used too. In order for the company to make a major change, like unionization, company policy will so have to change. Major steps have to be taken to make sure that everyone falls in line with the upcoming changes.

Some of the steps needed to make a unionized change will include: locating the union the company wishes to join, and contact the union organizer. Employees of unions are usually offered better pay, better benefits, environment and health safety, and more recognition when voicing problems or concerns (unionplus.org). 

In a union campaign, an employer cannot take part in activities that affect the choices of the employees. In other words, the employer cannot do anything to coerce their employees towards one decision or another. “If the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) finds violations, the union essentially wins without the election” (shrm.org, 2012). The NLRB provides guidelines for the employers to use during the transition. The guidelines are, but not limited to the following: 1.) Express the opposition of the company, 2.) Tell the employees that they do not have to let the organizers into their houses, 3.) Compare and contrast the current benefits with the union benefits, 4.) Explain to the employee that the unions can promise things, but do not have to fulfill the promises, and 5.) “Tell employees about any untrue or misleading statements made through an organizer, by handbill, or through any union propaganda” (shrm.org, 2012). When to comes to what an employer can do and/or say during this time, legally, is expressed clearly by the NLRB. The main thing that employers need to mind is the effect that they have on their employees’ opinion of the matter of unionization. 

In the bible, God expresses his will for people of like mind to be together. He also commands that what is done, that it be done well. Ecclesiastes 9:10 reads “Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom” (Holy Bible, NLT). This has meaning in this situation, because when a person makes a commitment, in this case a union commitment, it needs to be worked to the full potential of all involved. As it reads, nothing can be taken from this earth to the grave. Though the subject of unionization can be a touchy topic and/or situation, God also provides opportunity to handle this type of situation. Philippians 4:4-9 reads “4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you” (Holy Bible, NLT). This helps to maintain integrity within all given situations, even though everyone may not agree. 


Holy Bible: New Living Translation. (2013). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House.

(2012). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools

(n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from https://www.unionplus.org/page/what-union

22 days ago 

Alina Priymak 

DB Forum 4 ttachment


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Unionization: HR & Management Response                                                          Alina Priymak

Companies generally work on instinct, and it’s no surprise that sometimes any starting up company has little to no chance of success. The fact that this company has been able to successfully implement merit increases and annual COLA contributions to their employees is a sign that things were being done correctly. The fact that employees scored their participation as satisfactory proves secondly, that the work environment was created and maintained just as well.

Unionization could later prove unnecessary. If the employees voted the company to be a good place to work at, then wouldn’t that mean their needs were met up until the economy affected things to alter? Supervisors could sit one on one with employees, or for those requesting to remain anonymous could submit their suggestions electronically via a data application. Together, management would sit and analyze what requests and suggestions would be realistic to agree to and save the rest for future consideration. The fact that financial limitations to employees occurred once an economic crash occurred represents the companies methods are always about caring for their employees, rather than consistently limiting sources. Many times unions can end up dividing the bond between employees and their upper management, which makes the obstacle more stressful for all sides. Supervisors would also create meetings with their teams, focusing on ways they can retain a genuine, work-related relationship to strengthen trust and teamwork. If workers have questions about the benefits and effects unionization can cause on their employment, the supervisors would provide them all the answers available, however they would not be able to advise on whether it is a good or bad thing. As an HR Manager, I would also inform supervisors that legally they can openly share with their employees their and the company’s opposition of unionization. It can easily become a serious legal matter if the employer behaves unethically. “If threats of reprisal, promises of benefits, or other actions would serve to coerce employees, an unfair labor practice (UPL) charge will be brought against the employer.” SHRM. (Ed.). (2012, June 1). There are certain disadvantages with unions; fees, possible replacement if the employee participates in an economic-strike, etc. The company has proven consistent support and positive impute towards their employees, so the more each department unites with unionizing during this brief hardship, the easier it will be to overcome and rebuild.

When the economy falls and along with it, hardworking and successful companies, the last thing they need is more loss, whether financial or staff. “Put simply, early-twentieth-century workers built and joined unions because they could; that is, they formed unions in workplaces where they were able to exploit their capacity to disrupt production in ways that ultimately proved too costly to employers.” Kimeldorf, H. (2013).  The irony is in the name; uniting for a good cause that ends up reeking havoc on a company. With a caring company such as this, unionizing would only agitate and break apart what keeps it together through tough financial times. The Bible teaches us patience and mercy, therefore if we are to live Christian lives, whether it’s in our personal life or work, we must always practice unity not in a dividing and self-indulging manner that’s destructive, but create a positive environment that practices hope. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25


SHRM. (Ed.). (2012, June 1). Union Organizing: What can management do during a union campaign? Retrieved September 19, 2017, from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/unioncampaigns.aspx

Kimeldorf, H. (2013). Worker replacement costs and unionization: Origins of the U.S. labor movement. American Sociological Review, 78(6), 1033-1062. doi:10.1177/0003122413509627

Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV.

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