2024 – In Phase 3 your team will prepare a presentation to recommend your

In Phase 3, Your Team Will Prepare A Presentation To Recommend Your Implementation Plan To The Appropriate Audience For Your Innovation (e.g., Venture Capitalists, Your CEO, Your Board Of Directors, Etc.). Your Goal Is To Persuade The Audience To Back You – 2024

In Phase 3, your team will prepare a presentation to recommend your implementation plan to the appropriate audience for your innovation (e.g., venture capitalists, your CEO, your board of directors, etc.). Your goal is to persuade the audience to back your plan. Prepare 5 to 6 professionally developed presentation slides that accomplish the following:

A cost/benefit analysis appropriate for your particular audience.

With Reference page












CLC: Phase 2 – Detailed Implementation Plan

Richard Fields, Michael Rufus, Tracey Vest

Grand Canyon University: ENT – 435

September 13, 2015



“Saving lives at the click of a button…”




Name and Description

            According to the United States Census, The largest segment of the population is the elderly, age 65 and older (2010 Census Shows 65 and Older Population Growing Faster Than Total U.S. Population, 2011). Of this segment 1 in 9 will have Alzheimer’s disease (2015 Alzheimer’s Statistics, n.d.). In some states, when an elderly individual wanders away from home and does not return as expected, law enforcement is contacted and a “Silver Alert” is issued to request the public’s assistance in locating the individual. This is how the name Silver Alert tracking device got its name. The device is designed to be worn by the vulnerable adult and when they do wander off unexpectedly, law enforcement can activate a radio signal that can be received by nearby patrol vehicles to facilitate a speedy return home. Also known as the


GPS for “people” Silver alert can be used virtually anywhere and everywhere with its easy to use capabilities. Silver alert identifies the need and is willing to go the extra mile in order to protect our loved ones.


“You cannot put a price on a life”


            The value is immense when it comes to silver alert. Today’s families are very busy with careers and raising children that often times makes it very difficult to keep track of elderly parents. These parents are often the ones who wander off unexpectedly and sometimes forget how to get back home. The Silver Alert tracking device is designed to give these families peace of mind that their loved ones can be found quickly, before any potential harm can befall them. In the event of missing persons, law enforcement and emergency first responders spend countless of hours with search and rescue. This system also benefits first responders who often spend many man-hours search for these persons. The radio beacon transmitted by the device allows first responders to quickly locate the person. There is also value to the wearer of the device knowing that if they become lost, someone can quickly find them and help them return home. “Rest assured you can count on Silver alert!”  The value of Silver Alert simply is immense, it aids in the process of preserving life. Nothing is worse than losing contact with a loved one and being unaware of their condition, this can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair, our goal here at Silver Alert is to provide a firm foundation of confidence for families in time of need. For example, when our country underwent the horrific tragedy of 9/11 many families had no idea where their loved ones were for weeks and some even years! Can you imagine living with a sense of hope mixed with doubt every single day?  Over 2,500 victims died in this horrific tragedy and each live mattered. A family deserves to know the status of their loved one and we here at Silver Alert are motivated every day to be that support.

“Rest assured…you can count on Silver Alert!” 



            According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as of December 31, 2014, there were 8,311 unidentified person records in NCIC.  During 2014, 876 unidentified person records were entered into NCIC, an increase of 1.2 % from the 866 records entered in 2013.* The records entered in 2014 consisted of 650 (74.2%) deceased unidentified bodies, 26 (3.0%) unidentified catastrophe victims, and 200 (22.8 %) living persons who could not ascertain their identity.  In 2014, 609 records were canceled or cleared by the entering agency for reasons such as the remains being identified or the record being invalid.  This was a 13.9% decrease over the 707 records canceled in 2013. (https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ncic/ncic-missing-person-and-unidentified-person-statistics-for-2014#five) With the baby boomers rapidly reaching retirement age, and the fact that many of them will develop cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, some form of tracking device will speed the recovery of these individuals should they wander off or forget how to return home. A tracking device can also reduce the manpower necessary for searching for someone, if they are wearing the tracking device, a signal can be activated that would aid in locating them much like the LoJack system used for locating stolen cars. Today’s families are very busy building careers, and raising children that even if the at risk family member were to move in with their children, there is still a risk of them wandering off, the Silver Alert tracking device will help them find their loved one before anything bad can happen to them. Silver alert is also versatile meaning it can be used for children, special needs persons and much more. The idea is simple and it is to be able to locate loved ones in a time of crisis and confusion, Silver alert can aid in the process of making this easier by locating your loved one. You cannot put a price on the safety and security of someone that you care about. This is what creates a huge demand for something like this. If we can put microchips on our pets to locate them how much more important are our loved ones? Silver alert identifies the priorities of the people and allocates them accordingly.

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia delete a person’s memory so that familiar surroundings become non familiar, making it almost impossible to get use to a new environments. The disorientation of the illness often leads to traveling alone and confused, this is a very serious concern for many families and caregivers who worry that their loved one may become frightened, lost or can potentially walk into a dangerous situation. (GPS Tracking systems help the Elderly)

Our simple solution starts with GPS devices that have been specially engineered to address the needs and wants of people that have some debilitating issues. Most seniors often find using standard cell phones very bothersome or challenging. (Older Adults and Technology Use)

Losing and misplacing these devices can also prevent any meaningful utilization for location identification or communication. 

Our GPS-enabled personal locator would include an alert button and with one simple press they will be connected with their family member or caregiver.  Seeing how everyone is different, this device can be worn in a few different ways.

Our device can also offer another level of security to a senior in a senior citizen home or a facility where medical treatment is obtained. This revolutionary GPS systemwill offer many different options.

With the owning of this GPS device, it will be able to be controlled from your smart phones, IPads or PCs!

Technical Features

·         An easy network that will link their GPS-enabled device to a family member and caretaker’s smart phone or computer.

·         Present time tracking with the ability to manually group reporting intervals

·         Designation of “Green zones or Safety zones” so that the family member or caregiverwill be notified when an senior personal leaves the zone

·         Voice Recognition capabilities

·         Ambient temperature gauges to avoid heat strokes for elderly people.

·         Ability to closely watch the senior’s GPS device and be able to listen in to their environment

·         Vocal conversation through the GPS device and a  smart phone

·         The ability to  text as an additional means of communication from one device to the other

·         A quick Alarm button can be activated which sends a “danger signal” to the device in which it is hooked up too

·         If not acknowledged by the person with whom the device is associated with, the Alert Button will then be sent to additional responsible parties including the police, first aid-responders, and E-911

·         Single-button dialing to connect with a designated member to make it simple for the senior

·         Access to the GPS network so that family member or the caregiver can determine the senior’s location at all times. Map views and street views are instantly available ( through Google Map)

·         The full reporting  system can be managed completely with a single click and or voice command

The technical features of Silver Alert keep safety in mind while being practical at the same time. We at Silver Alert think of the worst case scenario and try to turn it into the best case scenario for the consumer. With all of these technical features a customer may be overwhelmed however this device is very user friendly. All the consumer has to remember is when in trouble, hit the red button!

Making you look good while keeping you safe!

–Silver Alert

Aesthetic Features

·         Choice of a sleek and stylish watch, bracelet or necklace.

·         Different variations of colors and textures.

·         Gorilla Glass for the screen that is ballistic and is “crack” free guaranteed.

·         Universal sizes (for both watch, bracelet and necklace)

·         Waterproof (up to 250 meters deep)

·         Indoor and outdoor tracking capabilities

·         Bluetooth capabilities

·         Shock Resistant

The Silver Alert merchandise has a modern and minimalist look. Due to the simplified interface we align usefulness with desirability. Most interfaces proposed so far for GPS devices offer limited user-friendliness to consumers: screens are small and information is often showed with small characters making it hard for elders to read; small buttons are used to navigate in the interface making it hard for people with arthritic conditions to press the buttons. We have designed an interface that is much more effective while increasing the desirability of the product as a whole.


Figure #1 Basic outline for the bracelet/watch

Figure #2

Outline of bracelet/watch in eight different variations              

http://images1.dallasobserver.com/imager/u/original/7112120/etraknecklace.jpgFigure #3 Necklace outline       


Can you really put a price on the safety of your loved one? Most senior tracking devices can retail up to 299.99 plus tax and shipping and handling. (GPS tracking systems help Elderly). These devices will only do about 1/3 of what our new and improved GPS device has to offer. Our device will retail at 400.00 no tax and shipping handling charge. Then, you will simply download our app to your cell phone (data and messaging costs may be applied depending on your carrier). Silver Alert is working in partnership with local medical insurance agencies to get a portion of the cost covered for the buyer.

The only real problem that may factor is making sure that your loved one is always wearing their device. This device has a plethora of differently looks. The main one, for texting and voice control will either be a watch that can be fastened around the wrist, or worn as a trinket around the neck. The screens will have printing big enough to make it an easy read and the keys will be digital. This product will be made out of gorilla glass and water proof up to 250 meters. If the member doesn’t understand how to use this basic model, all they would have to do is press the Alert (red panic) button and then talk. With this device, it’s simple and easy to use!

Conclusion (Why Silver Alert?)

The facts alone do not lie. Elders that are diagnosed and suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s make up the vast majority of missing-adult cases, this is sad but true. According to the national database approximately 2,300 Americans are reported missing—every single day. This number includes only those that are reported. Silver Alert’s capabilities can dramatically reduce this number by just the simple click of a button! Silver Alert is equipped with the top of the line technology. The Silver Alerts capabilities can pin point a missing person at the touch of a button. Silver Alerts security is intertwined with local law enforcement/first responder databases to ensure consumer safety. Needless to say all of these features revolve around one thing which is “peace of mind”.  So what are you waiting for, get the added security that you need for your loved ones today!




























1)      GPS Tracking systems help the Elderly, Retrieved From:



2)      Older Adults and Technology use, Retrieved From:



3)      FBI statistics  Retrieved From:



4)      GPS device“10 Wearable Safety and GPS Devices for Kids” Retrieved From:



5)      Safety tips for senior and elders, Retrieved From:



6)      2010 Census Shows 65 and Older Population Growing Faster Than Total U. S. Population

(2011, November 30). Retrieved From:


7)      2015 Alzheimer’s Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.alzheimers.net: http://www.alzheimers.net/resources/alzheimers-statistics/













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