2024 – Instructions for the Organizational Behavior Journal Article Report 150 points 15 of your grade This paper

Organizational Behavior – 2024

Instructions for the ‘Organizational Behavior’ Journal Article Report: 150 points (15% of your grade)

This paper is an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning from the readings and discussions that took place during the course – to apply them to the Organizational Behavior information contained in your chosen journal article.  The object of the assignment is to show your instructor that you have a reasonable command of the subject matter and can see its use in a business application.  You need to provide sufficient explanation and documentation to support the points you are making. 


 After finding your article: 

Thoroughly read and understand the article!

Summarize the author’s main points in 5 to 7 paragraphs.

Use proper citations (APA format) when discussing the author’s ideas!

Next, explain how the article “fits” into the particular topic area in management

Then discuss why this article’s information would be useful to management practitioners.

Finally, write a conclusion (or a summary) that ties it all together.

Double-space your paper and use a standard 12-point font and standard margins.

Proofread your paper for logical consistency, punctuation, and grammar.

Revise as needed and upload to the appropriate link under the Assignment area of the course.

At the end of your paper, properly reference the article using standard APA format: Author’s Name, Year Published, Title of the Article, Name of the Publication, Volume & Issue of the Publication, and the Page Numbers for the Article.  For example:


Pearson, A. L.  (2011).  Lack of leadership at OSHA.   Professional Safety, 54(9), 40-51.


In addition, there must be a separate cover page and reference page.  I would expect that most article reports would be five to six pages of text (plus the required cover page and reference page).  So, when choosing an article, give yourself enough to write about!  If you have questions, ask!       The paper will be graded on the following basis:


Content:  How well did the paper communicate the subject matter contained in the journal article?  Did it provide concrete illustrations or examples to demonstrate the points made?  Was the paper written at an MBA level, showing correct use of organizational behaviot terminology?  67% of the points/grade


Structure:  Was the paper written in a logical, well-ordered manner?  Were topics, paragraphs, and sentences structured well?  Was the style and tone appropriate for the communication? 15% of the points/grade

Mechanics:  Was the paper grammatically correct?  Was it free of spelling and punctuation errors?  Was the paper in the APA format as prescribed by the university?  15% of the points/grade

Rubric for Grading the Written Report

•         90-100% – Report meets all requirements for length and content; shows excellent understanding of the material; AND grammar, structure, and spelling are at an appropriate college level.

•         80-89% – Report meets all requirements for length and content; shows a good understanding of the material; AND grammar, structure and spelling are at a college level.

•         73-79% – Report meets minimum requirements in length and content; shows some understanding of the material; AND/OR grammar, structure and spelling need some improvement.

•         72%-0% – Report does not meet minimum requirements for length and content; OR shows little understanding of material; OR grammar, structure and spelling are not at a college level.



Your written assignment must be formatted to APA standards. Maximum of 7 pages, PLUS a cover page, references, and headers to clearly identify each section of your paper.


I am attaching the article that I have chosen for this assignment. 

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