2024 – n this assignment you will compare and contrast the tools used to create your strategic business analysis course project
Forum Post – 2024
n this assignment, you will compare and contrast the tools used to create your strategic business analysis (course project) with the tools that could be used to create a personal growth plan. If you have used the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar (TPA), you may use your Lifelong Learning/Vision Achievement Plan that you created as part of TPA for this assignment. Also, you will summarize how these tools relate to your achieving your personal goals.
1 page to 1.5 page double spaced
- If you have one, review your Lifelong Learning/Vision Achievement Plan that you created in the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar. If you have not used TPA and don’t have an equivalent plan, include content on how you might develop a personal growth plan and what tools you would use to build your plan.
- Create a table comparing and contrasting personal growth strategy tools (such as those used in the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar) with organizational strategic analysis tools (used in this course and some others in the MBA program).
- The chart should include the different personal and organizational tools, a description of each tool, and the tool’s application.
- In a summary (one to two pages), explain how these tools relate to you achieving your personal goals.
- Post your work here to the Forum by Tuesday of this week. Include citations and references (in proper APA style) for your sources.
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