2024 – QUESTION 1 1 ch 2 4 The United Nations Development Programme website provides comparative data by country on key metrics

ECON 2013 Homework 2 – 2024

1. ch 2.4 The United Nations Development Programme website provides comparative data by country on key metrics, such metrics as life expectancy over time. The table below show data on life
expectancy over time in the United States

Which of the following statements are not true based on the scatterplot of U.S. Life Expectancy
over time?

 The life expectancy in the U.S. is increasing over time
 U.S. citizens lived fewer years in 2010 than they did in in 2008
 The scatterplot shows an increasing trend in life expectancy in the U.S.
 Based on the scatterplot, one can assume the life expectancy in 2014 will be higher
than 78  years
 All of the above statements are true
6 points  
1. An automobile dealer wishes to investigate the relation between the gender of the buyer and type of vehicle purchased. Based on the following joint probability table that was developed from the dealer’s records for the previous year, P (Male) = ________
Type of Buyer Gender 
Vehicle Female Male Total
Not SUV .32 .48 
Total .40   1.00
6 points  
1. ch 1.2  Richard Cribb, Marketing Director of a regional restaurant chain, is directing a study to identify and assess the in-dining experience of the customers at one of the restaurants.  He directs his staff to design a web-based market survey for distribution to all of the restaurant’s 1265 customers who enjoyed a meal during the past 6 months. For this study, the set of 1265 customers is __
 a sample
 the population
 a statistic
 a parameter
 the frame
3 points  
1. ch 1.4  A question in a survey of microcomputer users asked: “Which operating system do you use most often:  a. Apple OS 7, b. MS DOS, c. MS Windows 95, d. UNIX.” The measurement level for this question is
 nominal level
 interval level
 relative level
 ordinal level
 ratio level
4 points  
1. ch 1.4  Thuy has been asked to rank five cars based upon their desirability.  This level of measurement is
 relative level
 nominal level
 ratio level
 ordinal level
 interval level
4 points  
1. ch 1.4 A large manufacturing company in Indianapolis produces valves for the chemical industry. According to specifications, one particular valve is supposed to have a five-inch opening on the side. Quality control inspectors take random samples of these valves just after the hole is bored. They measure the size of the hole in an effort to determine if the machine is out of adjustment. The measurement of the diameter of the hole represents which level of data?
 Ratio level
 Ordinal level
 Central level
 Nominal level
 Interval level
4 points  
1. ch 2.1
An instructor made a frequency table of the scores his students got on a test
                                          Score                                           Frequency
                                        30-under 40                                         1
                                        40-under 50                                         4
                                        50-under 60                                         5
                                        60-under 70                                        10
                                        70-under 80                                        20
                                        80-under 90                                        10
                                        90-under 100                                        5
Approximately what percent of students got more than 70?

5 points  
1. ch 2.1
Consider the following frequency distribution:

                                    Class Interval              Frequency

                                    10-under 20                   15

                                    20-under 30                   25

                                    30-under 40                   10
What is the relative frequency of the first class?

5 points  
1. ch 2.1
Consider the relative frequency distribution given below:
                                    Class Interval              Relative Frequency
                                    20-under 40                  0.2
                                    40-under 60                  0.3
                                    60-under 80                  0.4
                                    80-under 100                0.1
There were 60 numbers in the data set.  How many numbers were in the interval 20-under 40?

5 points  
1. ch 2.1
The following class intervals for a frequency distribution were developed to provide information regarding the starting salaries for students graduating from a particular school:
                                     Salary             Number of Graduates
                                    28-under 31                –
                                    31-under 35                –
                                    34-under 37                –
                                    39-under 340              –
Before data was collected, someone questioned the validity of this arrangement.  Which of the following represents a problem with this set of intervals?

 There are too many intervals
 The second and the third interval overlap
 The class widths are too large
 There are too few intervals
 The class widths are too small
6 points  
1. ch 2.1
The number of phone calls arriving at a switchboard each hour has been recorded, and the following frequency distribution has been developed.
                                    Class Interval              Frequency
                                    20-under 40                  30
                                    40-under 60                  45
                                    60-under 80                  80
                                    80-under 100                45
What is the cumulative frequency of the third class?

6 points  
1. ch 2.1  An instructor made a frequency table of the scores his students got on a test
                                            Score                                   Frequency
                                        30-under 40                                         1
                                        40-under 50                                         4
                                        50-under 60                                         5
                                        60-under 70                                        10
                                        70-under 80                                        20
                                        80-under 90                                        10
                                        90-under 100                                        5
The midpoint of the last class interval is _________.

6 points  
1. ch 2.1  Mary has decided to construct a frequency distribution for a set of data containing 60 numbers.  The lowest number is 23 and the highest number is 68.  If 5 classes are used, the class width should be approximately
6 points  
1. ch 2.1  The cumulative frequency for a class is 27. The cumulative frequency for the next (non-empty) class will be
 next class frequency minus 27
 27 minus the next class frequency
 equal to 27
 less than 27
 27 plus the next class frequency
4 points  
1. ch 2.2
Each day, the office staff at Oasis Quick Shop prepares a frequency distribution and an ogive of sales transactions by dollar value of the transactions.  Saturday’s cumulative frequency ogive follows.

The percentage of sales transactions on Saturday that were under $100 each was

4 points  
1. ch 2.2  Each day, the manager at Gyasi’s Auto Care prepares a frequency distribution and a histogram of sales transactions by dollar value of the transactions.  Friday’s histogram follows.
On Friday, the approximate number of sales transactions between $150 and $175 was

4 points  
1. ch 2.2 The following represent the ages of students in a class:
                       19, 23, 21, 19, 19, 20, 22, 31, 21, 20
If a stem and leaf plot were to be developed from this, how many stems would there be?

4 points  
1. ch 2.3  The following graphic of PCB Failures is a _____________.

 Cumulative Histogram Chart
 Pareto Chart
 Scatter Plot
 Line diagram
 Pie Chart
4 points  
1. ch 3 Melissa made the following grades on 7 tests: 76, 82, 92, 95, 79, 86, and 92.  What is the median grade?
6 points  
1. ch 3  Anthony travels many miles to work each morning.  He has timed this trip 5 times during the last month.  The time (in minutes) required to make this trip was 38, 33, 36, 47, and 41.  What is the standard deviation for this sample data? (Hint can use Excel function for this one, or calculate it on your own)
6 points  
1. ch 3  Craig made the following grades on 7 tests: 76, 82, 92, 95, 79, 86, and 92.   What is the mode?
6 points  
1. ch 3  The empirical rule says that approximately what percentage of the values would be within 2 standard deviations of the mean in a bell shaped (normal curve) set of data?
6 points  

ch 3  The number of standard deviations that a value (x) is above or below the mean is the
 interquartile range
 z score
 correlation coefficient
 absolute deviation
 coefficient of variation
4 points  

ch 4 Priscilla manages a portfolio of 200 common stocks.  Her staff classified the portfolio stocks by ‘industry sector’ and ‘investment objective.’
Investment Industry Sector 
Objective Electronics Airlines Healthcare Total
Growth 100 10 40 150
Income 20 20 10 50
Total 120 30 50 200

2. If a stock is selected randomly from Priscilla’s portfolio, P (Growth) =
6 points  
1. ch 4  Assigning probability 1/52 on drawing the ace of spade in a deck of cards is an example of assigning probabilities using the ________________ method
 a posterior probability
 relative frequency
 a priori probability
 subjective probability
 classical probability
4 points  
1. ch 4  Consider the following sample space, S, and several events defined on it.  S = {Albert, Betty, Abel, Jack, Patty, Meagan}, and the events are:  F = {Betty, Patty, Meagan}, H = {Abel, Meagan}, and P = {Betty, Abel}.  F ∩ H  is ______
 empty, since F and H are complements
 empty, since F and H are mutually exclusive
 {Betty, Patty, Abel, Meagan}
 empty, since F and H are independent
4 points  
1. ch 4  Consider the following sample space, S, and several events defined on it.  S = {Albert, Betty, Abel, Jack, Patty, Meagan}, and the events are:  F = {Betty, Patty, Meagan}, H = {Abel, Meagan}, and P = {Betty, Abel}. F ∪ H  is
 empty, since F and H are complements
 {Betty, Abel, Patty, Meagan}
 empty, since F and H are independent
 empty, since F and H are mutually exclusive
4 points  
1. ch 4  If X and Y are mutually exclusive events, then if X occurs
 X and Y are independent
 A and Y are collectively exhaustive
 X and Y are complements
 Y must also occur
 Y cannot occur
4 points  
1. ch 4  Let F be the event that a student is enrolled in a finance course, and let S be the event that a student is enrolled in a statistics course.  It is known that 40% of all students are enrolled in  a finance course and 35% of all students are enrolled in statistics.  Included in these numbers are 15% who are enrolled in both statistics and finance.  A student is randomly selected, what is the probability that the student is enrolled in either finance or statistics or both?
4 points  

ch 5 (Hint: can use Excel or table on page 792)  Thuy counts the number of cars arriving at a toll booth in five-minute intervals, which is Poisson distributed with a mean of 3 cars arriving in five-minute time intervals. The probability of 3 cars arriving over a five-minute interval is _______. Hint: the mean is lambda
4 points  
1. ch 5 (Hint: you can use table on p 786 or Excel)  Dennis Metz, Chief Financial Officer of Harrison Haulers, Inc., suspects irregularities in the payroll system, and orders an inspection of a random sample of vouchers issued since January 1, 2006.  A sample of ten vouchers is randomly selected, without replacement, from the population of 2,000 vouchers. Each voucher in the sample is examined for errors and the number of vouchers in the sample with errors is denoted by x. If 20% of the population of vouchers contain errors, P(x>0) is
4 points  
1. ch 5 (hint you can use table on p 785 or Excel)  Thuy randomly guesses the answers to a five question true/false test.  If there is a 50% chance of guessing correctly on each question, what is the probability that she misses no questions?
4 points  
1. ch 5 (hint: you can use table on p 785 or Excel).  Mary randomly guesses the answers to a five question true/false test. If there is a 50% chance of guessing correctly on each question, what is the probability that she misses exactly 1 question?
4 points  
1. ch 5 (hint: you can use table on p 785 or Excel)  Mary purchased a mailing list of 2,000 names and addresses for her mail order business, but after scanning the list she doubts the authenticity of the list.  She randomly selects five names from the list for validation.  If 40% of the names on the list are non-authentic, and x is the number of non-authentic names in her sample, P(x=0) is
4 points  

ch 5 The number of  finance majors within the School of Business is an example of
 the normal distribution
 the Poisson distribution
 a constant
 a discrete random variable
 a continuous random variable
4 points  

ch 5
A recent analysis of the number of rainy days per month found the following outcomes and probabilities.
Number of Raining Days (x) P(x)
3 .40
4 .20
5 .40
The mean of this distribution is
4 points  
1. ch 6 Mary and Thuy opened a small dress store in a mall. During the first few weeks, business was slow, with the store averaging only 3 customers per hour in the morning (lambda). Assume that the random arrival of customers is Poisson distributed. What is the probability that at least one hour would elapse between customers? Hint: this is similar to p213 problem 6.29
8 points  
1. ch 6 find the probability for the following expoential distribution:  P(x > 3½  λ = 1.3):
Hint: this is similar to problem 6.29 on page 213

4 points  
1. ch 6.1  If the number of parking spots at grocery stores is uniformly (hint) distributed over the interval 90 to 140, inclusively (90 ≤ x ≤ 140), inclusively (90 ≤ x ≤ 140), then the mean of this distribution is _
4 points  
1. ch 6.1  If the number of parking spots at urban grocery stores is uniformly (hint) distributed over the interval 90 to 140, inclusively (90 ≤ x ≤ 140), then the standard deviation of this distribution is
4 points  
1. ch 6.2 (hint: you can use the front cover table)  Let z be a normal random variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. What is P(z > 2.4)?
4 points  
1. ch 6.4 During the summer at a small private airport, the unscheduled arrival of airplanes is Poisson distributed with an average arrival rate of 1.12 plane per hour. What is the average interarrival time between planes? (Hint: lambda is the average arrival rate)
 .89 hr, or 53.4 minutes
 .56 hr, or 32 minutes
 .25 hr or 15 minutes
 .83 hr, or 50 minutes
4 points  

ch 6.4  The exponential distribution is an example of
 a symmetrical distribution
 a bimodal distribution
 a discrete distribution
 a normal distribution
 a continuous distribution

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