2024 – Question 1 Jennifer consults the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to figure out how to define job

Ashford MGT 330 Week 5 Final Exam 2018 – 2024


Question 1. Jennifer consults the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to figure out how to define job duties for her store’s Floor Manager position. What job analysis task is Jennifer engaged in?

comparison with other companies


job specification  

reflective planning

Question 2. What is the main difference between the equity and exchange philosophies of compensation?

The equity philosophy is based on available budget; the exchange philosophy is based on profit margins.

The equity philosophy is based on fairness; the exchange philosophy is based on employee value.

The equity philosophy is based on profit margins; the exchange philosophy is based on available budget.

The equity philosophy is based on employee value; the exchange philosophy is based on fairness

Question 3. Internal sourcing and external sourcing are part of the process of ______________.

employee orientation
employee selection
job design

Question 4. Which of the following scenarios describes the 360-degree assessment technique?

David’s performance is evaluated by his work over the last calendar year.
David’s performance is evaluated using a BARS scale.
David’s performance is evaluated based on the areas in which he has made the most progress.
David’s performance is evaluated by peers, subordinates, customers, and himself.

Question 5. Larissa is a human resources manager who is drafting the tasks that will be assigned to the Junior Accounts Manager, a new position her company is creating. Which of the following processes is Larissa involved in?

job specification 

job description 

job promotion 

job analysis

Question 6. The _____________________ requires employers to provide job-protected unpaid leave to an employee who is unable to perform his or her job due to a serious health condition.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

Question 7. Which of the following laws give workers the right to join a union without fear of discrimination or retribution?

The Norris–LaGuardia Act of 1932

The Wagner Act of 1935

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1948

The Landrum-Griffin/Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

Question 8. Benefit packages typically comprise about _______% of an employee’s base pay.





Question 9. What is unique about staffing practices at the online shoe company Zappos?

New hires are trained by employees of other successful shoecompanies.

Employees are trained to do every job in the company.

Trainees are offered up to $2,000 to quit the company at anytime.

The CEO personally trains every single employee

Question 10. Martin is well liked by his peers and influences them using his personality, attitude, and behavior. What kind of power does Martin most likely have?





Question 11. Fred E. Fiedler’s LPC test requires a subject to describe a coworker they________.

have never interacted with 

like the most

like the least 

work very closely with

Question 12. According to French and Raven, which source of power does NOT have an informal side?





Question 13. What is a key difference between managing and leading?

Managers help people do their jobs by problem solving, while leaders help people do their jobs through planning and budgeting

Managers help people do their jobs by providing direction, while leaders help people do their jobs through planning and budgeting.  

Managers help people do their jobs by problem solving, while leaders help people do their jobs by providing direction.  

Managers help people do their jobs by providing direction, while leaders help people do their jobs by accomplishing organizational agendas

Question 14. Which theory was born from the great man theory of leadership?

situational theory

behavioral theory

transformational theory

trait theory

Question 15. Which of the following qualities is NOT part the five-factor model of personality?




emotional stability

Question 16. Marc supported Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. According to attribution theory, when Barak Obama won instead, Marc most likely

accepted that Obama was probably the better candidate

felt silly for having thought Romney would win

refused to accept the election as legitimate

predicted that Obama would fail as a president

Question 17. Which of the following five sources of power or means of influence have French and Raven identified as available to leaders of organizations?

legitimate, reward, expert, referent, and boundary spanning 

reward, coercive, expert, referent, and closeness to production 

legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent 

legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, and control over policy

Question 18. Which of the following individuals would most likely NOT be considered a group’s gatekeeper?

Jim, who is informally regarded as the group’s leader

Gary, who is always willing to express the group’s values

Karl, who helps carry out the group’s activities

Juan, who is a “member in good standing”

Question 19. What may accompany the adjourning stage of group performance?

a sense of uncertainty  

a sense of unity  

a sense of loss  

a sense of conflict

Question 20. What is a consequence of too much cohesion in a group?

Groups tend to have decreased levels of effort.

Groups tend to lack cooperation

Group members tend to argue

Group members tend to overstep each other’s boundaries.

Question 21. Which of the following is NOT a category of barriers to interpersonal communication?

Individual differences among employees.

Situational factors such as outside noise.

Transmission problems such as telephone static.

Informal communication networks such as the grapevine

Question 22. At which stage of a group- or team-building process do close relationships develop, giving rise to unity?





Question 23. What makes communication dynamic?

It is usually exciting, because transmitting messages can be exhilarating.

It is constantly changing, because messages feed other messages.

It is always irreversible, because we cannot take back what we say.

It is usually complex, because messages have many layers of meaning

Question 24. All of the following factors increase group cohesion EXCEPT

the presence of an outside threat

member interdependence

member heterogeneity

high status

Question 25. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of a virtual team?

It can be expensive to get virtual teams together.

Virtual teams have a difficult time picking up on paraverbal and nonverbal cues.

Virtual teams suffer from reduced socialization.

It can be difficult to schedule virtual team meetings

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