2024 – The Avengers The Big Chill

Movie Assignment – 2024

The Avengers              The Big Chill               Bridesmaids                       Brokeback Mountain                    

The Butler                   The Closer                 The Color Purple                 The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

The Family Stone      Fried Green Tomatoes  Forest Gump                  Guardians of the Galaxy

Gatsby                      The Help                     Into the Woods                   The Joy Luck Club           

Life is Beautiful            My Fair Lady               The Notebook                     Ordinary People   

Pleasantville                Shrek                         Silver Lining Playbook          Steel Magnolias                

The War of the Roses    Up                            When Harry Met Sally          Wild Hogs            


Pick FIVE concepts of interpersonal communication that we have covered this semester and describe how they have been depicted in the movie.

Use the following formula when completing this assignment.


Introduction (1/4 page minimum): (worth 5 points)

Your introduction should gain your reader’s attention, introduce the movie, and provide a clear and brief preview of the five concepts your paper will address.


Analysis Portion (2 1/2 pages minimum): worth 85 point total – 17 per concept analysis

Use the following formula when completing the analysis portion:

Bold the concept, then

  1. Describe concept 1 (using the Weekly Learning Resources and discussions – feel free to read ahead). You are not required to use outside additional sources for this assignment.  You should be referencing relevant information from the Weekly Learning Resources and material from the Weekly Discussions.  Be sure to use appropriate APA citations (both in-text and full references for the references page).
  2. Describe concept 1 in your own words.
  3. Discuss how concept 1 is found in your movie of choice.
  4. Describe at least three examples from the movie that show this concept.


Please note that a concept is a whole idea, such as relationship self-disclosure, issues of self, listening. Thus, the five forms of listening would count as ONE concept, not five. The five conflict management strategies would count as one concept, not five.


Conclusion (1/4 page minimum):  (worth 5 points)

Your conclusion should provide closure, share lessons learned, and a concluding summary.

Reference page (worth 5 points)

A references page with proper APA citations should be presented at the end of your paper.  This is in addition to the in-text citations that should be found throughout the analysis portion of your submission. 


APA Citation Examples – Both In-Text and References Page

This entire paper should be a minimum of 3 full single-spaced pages using a size 12 Times New Roman font. 

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