2024 – Written Assignment Due date 2 5 Write up a response to Question 4 in the Questions for Further

Writing Assignment 2/5 – 2024

Written Assignment – Due date 2/5

  • Write up a response to Question 4 in the Questions for Further Thought at the end of Chapter 1 (Due Friday 2/5 by midnight – posted on Moodle):
    • “Identify 3 types of persuasion you recently processed and analyze each according to the definition offered in Chapter One and the ELM (e.g., an advertisement, a television talk show, a sermon, or an interpersonal relationship).  What verbal and/or visual symbols were used?  Did you interact with the message:  What did the persuader intend?  Which information processing route (peripheral or central) operated for you?  What created identification or common ground for you?  What was intensifies?  Downplayed? Using which tactics? Repetition? Association? Composition? Omission? Confusion? Diversion?”
    • Please answer each part of the question for each of your 3 types of persuasion you identify in essay form.  Essays must be a minimum of 500 words.

2024 – Written Assignment Due date 2 5 Write up a response to Question 4 in the Questions for Further.


Format:  All posts must adhere to APA format as outlined in the following text:

publication manual

 American Psychological Association (2009, July).  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, ISBN # 9781433805615

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