#5: (Legal Topic / Research Paper) (Due at the end of Module 8) – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER


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#5: (Legal Topic / Research Paper) (Due at the end of Module 8) – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER

This project will allow you to work on your research and writing skills while learning more about a relevant ethical and legal topic in depth.  You are to choose a topic on law that is related to two or more of the Course Objectives:Analyze and apply appropriate ethical theories to formulate a business decision framework that conforms business practices to both the law and best ethical practices.Perform stakeholder analysis and distinguish administrative and environmental laws that impact business and make recommendations to mitigate future legal issues.Assess elements of a contract and evaluate whether a duly formed contract is enforceable under the common law or Uniform Commercial Code.Create a business strategy using ethical considerations to mitigate corporate liability for claims of product liability and breach of warranty arising from the sale of defective and/or dangerous products.Create & communicate strategies to minimize risk, create value and manage legal disputes for business leaders in a global environment.The paper should be neutral in its stance – therefore, you should present all sides of the issue.  Do not copy and paste large sections of text into your paper – also, please cite at least 6 sources other than the textbook.  Properly cite all sources used.Technical Requirements:  The paper must be a minimum of 10 pages, but not to exceed 12 pages.  Please use 12 point font and double-spaced each line. According to APA 6th Ed. Format: Include a cover page with your name, course number and course name – also include a table of contents. NOTE: the 15 page requirement does NOT include the cover page, table of contents, bibliography, or any graphics. Use 1” margins on all four sides (top, bottom, left and right) and number all pages starting with the first written page immediately following the table of contents.Each project must discuss the relevant facts, ethical implications, the applicable law(s), a court’s decision and rationale (if relevant), and the student’s analysis of all parties involved. You should include a brief summary from your point of view, and, cite portions of relevant statues, regulations or cases that support your point.

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