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Unit 1 – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org
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Witt (2016) discusses the importance of rites of passage and milestones in the transition into adulthood on pp. 82 and 83. Please answer both Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1: In your opinion, when do you think a person should be considered an adult in American society? Why? Are there certain milestones or rituals that determine adulthood, or is it a certain age? Explain. Part 2: Briefly discuss your own journey to adulthood. Discuss one or more milestones, rituals, or experiences in your life that you felt signified your passage into adulthood. How do you think this helped you in the transition? When following up on your post to another student, please remember to create a post that advances the discussion. Some ideas to advance the discussion include the following: compare and contrast your own story of social mobility, offer links or articles to further the discussion, ask a question, or apply concepts from the unit to the discussion.
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