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Week 8 Project – Due
Mar 7, 2021 11:59 PMMCJ6985-Applied Professional Project SU01
Discussion and Conclusions Section
In this assignment, you will analyze the data that you have collected or reviewed. You will prepare the first draft of the discussion and conclusions section of your project. You can refer to the model study as a guide for drafting your discussion and conclusions section for your project. The discussion and conclusions section of your study should discuss the analysis of your data and the findings that you have derived from your data collection.
Note: You will incorporate the feedback that you receive from the instructor and your classmates and refine the discussion and conclusions section of your study in the next week.
Create a 4- to 6-page draft of the discussion and conclusions section as described below.
In your discussion section, respond to the following:
- Explain the findings of your data analysis.
- Explain whether the results support your hypothesis.
- Explain the conclusions you can make as a result of your research study.
- Explain the importance of the findings from your study.
In your conclusions section, respond to the following:
- Explain the importance of the study.
- Analyze whether your study will resolve any existing issues in the field you have studied.
- Analyze any far-reaching conclusions or implications you foresee for your study.
Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.
Submission Details:
- Name your document SU_MCJ6985_W8_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
- Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Week 8 Project Due March 7 at 11:59 PM
Week 1 Project59 / 6098.33 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
I thought the problem statement was excellent! As for the research question, it is also very considerate as well; however, please take a look at project parameters for the remaining weeks. This project is more than a review of the literature. Of course, the review will have a place in the project in the literature review phase but this is not sufficient. Do you get a chance to see my comment in the discussion forum? If not, please give it a careful read.
Week 2 Project59 / 6098.33 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
To say that I was impressed with your submission would be an understatement! Just a couple of comments:
(1) The opening statement has to be supported with a citation. Where did you find the “quarter of the world’s prisoners” statistic?
(2) Proper nouns should be capitalized, e.g. National Institute of Justice
(3) Author initials should have a period, e.g. Austin, J. and Coventry, G.
(4) Not every word in an article title should start with a capital letter, e.g. Emerging issues on privatized prisons
(5) Provide a URL or DOI for web accessed citations
(6) Thinking ahead, I’d like to see a methodological proposal that randomly selects private and public inmates to compare recidivism rates. This obviously will be simulated with a post-release population.
Week 3 Project59 / 6098.33 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
These are excellent sources and your annotations were terrific. Although the assignment only asks for eight scholarly sources, continue searching for sources that will fortify the paper!
P.S. There is a capitalization issue with all of your references. Book and article titles do not need for every word to begin with a capital letter. I’ve included a link to Purdue Owl that is helpful with APA mechanics:
Reference List: Books // Purdue Writing Lab
Week 4 Project59 / 6098.33 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
This was an excellent review of the literature! My only suggestions are basic:
a. Carefully edit for grammar and style. For example, Zimbabwe should be capitalized, the first sentence in a paragraph should be indented, et cetera.
b. Several references are incorrectly formatted. For example, not all words in a journal article title should start with a capital letter and you need a comma to separate author last name from first name initials, and “pp.” is not used for journal articles. Keep working on your APA mechanics!
Week 5 Project59 / 6098.33 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
Your project is coming together beautifully! Just a couple of suggested revisions:
a. Remove “prove” as hypothesis testing simply confirms or rejects, nothing more. I know it sounds like semantics but try to find a research article in a peer-reviewed journal that uses “prove” and you’ll most likely not find any. You are simply adding to the body of knowledge and so no one study proves anything.
b. Your references are close to being 100% compliant. Be sure that you do not capitalize each word in an article title, only the first word (and proper nouns).
Week 6 Project60 / 60100 %Overall Feedback
Hi Stephanie,
To say that I was impressed would be a gross understatement! Your survey and interview questions were quite thoughtful, capturing the variables needed for your analysis. I have just a couple of suggestions:
> Why not ask them how many years they were incarcerated rather than creating categories (question 5)? You can always create categories later on capturing a range of time.
> What about developing questions to understand whether private/public differences exist in terms of landing employment post-release (Are you currently employed?) and recidivism (Have you been arrested since you’ve been released?). Wasn’t this one of your major research objectives?
Feedback for Week 7 Project
Hi Stephanie,
This was a very good description of the primary/secondary sources to be used for your project. I still don’t see the source for recidivism . . . am I missing something? Wasn’t this the primary research question?
P.S. Check out the capitalization rules for article titles. APA (7th) does not require that every word in the title begin with a capital letter.
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