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I asked in a class recently if smoking causes cancer. The answer was a resounding “yes”. I indicated to them that there is no proof. In statistics, we say there is a strong correlation but we have no direct proof. Direct proof would mean experimenting on individuals forcing them to smoke and controlling all aspects of their lives. It is not ethical to experiment on humans so we do not know for sure. We might be able to say with a certain degree of confidence that smoking causes cancer in rats or chimpanzees due to experimentation being legal but perhaps not ethical.
Systems of equations might allow us to analyze the different factors of smoking. Consider if x = number of cigarettes per day, y = genetic factor, and z = work conditions. If we developed a system of equations based on individuals then we might have:
3x + 4y – z = 23
5x – 2y + 4z = 35
x + y + z = 72
where 23, 35, and 72 are sample sizes of people. We might be able to find values for x, y, and z that would indicate the values that have to be present for cancer to occur. This is a made up example, of course.
Create your own example for a medical condition and think of the different factors (pick 3) that contribute to the condition. Explain what x, y, and z represent. Lastly make up a system of equations based on made up numbers as in my example.
2-In your chosen career, you will have to give instructions to co-workers and/or patients. It is important that you learn how to communicate at the level of the listener. For example, I had a student tell me that she gave birth to her child and it was in NICU. I told her congratulations. It was not until her second email that I realized NICU was not a good location for your newborn. This communication mishap was not her fault but in your career, it is vital that you communicate clearly.
Pick one topic out of the material this week and describe in a step by step approach how to solve a particular type of problem (such as solving linear equations). It should be different than the step by step approach that I have in my videos. I will grade your submission as if I have never seen that topic so be thorough in your explanation. I should be able to follow your steps. Include one example along with the instructions.
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