Child support questions – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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Child support questions – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
I want you to do the child support calculations for the following three scenarios:Father earns $6,286.00 per month gross salary which after deductions is $5,000.00 per month net salary. Mother earns $2,740.00 per month gross salary which is $3,000.00 per month net salary after deductions and credit for declaring the two children on her income tax returns. The parties have two children. There is no daycare cost or medical insurance. They have shared parental responsibility of the minor children. The father exercises 50 overnight visits with the minor children each years. What is the monthly child support that the Father must pay the mother for the two children? For one child?Father earns minimum wage of $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $1,325.19 per month net income. The mother earns $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $1,785.56 per month net income. They have one child. There is no daycare cost or medical insurance costs. They shared parental responsibility of the minor child. The father exercises 35 overnight visits with the minor child each year. What is the monthly child support that the Father must pay the mother for the child?The mother is currently unemployed. The court imputes minimum wage of $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $2.391.90 in net income per month after deductions and credits for the four children. The father earns $2,166.66 per month gross income which comes out to $1,881.37 per month net income. The parties have four children. The mother has sole parental responsibility of the minor children. The father exercises 30 overnight visits with the minor children each year. The mother pays $15.00 per month in medical insurance cost for the children. The mother spends $800.00 a month for the daycare of the children. What is the father supposed to pay for child support for the four children? The mother wants to stay home with the children and not work. She requests that the court not impute minimum wage to her so she can stay home and care for the four children? Can the court do this? If so, what would the new child support be?
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