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Produce a sequential timeline, identifying the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States. The timeline should begin with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and end at today’s date.This project may contain a chart, detailing the significant statements and legislation, and should also contain significant narrative explanations. The narrative portion of the project should be at least two full pages of text. The narrative should also contain:a detailed description of the eventan assessment of its impact on drug and/or alcohol controlpublic attitudes/responses to the eventBELOW IS THE REBRIC TO HELP:Rubric Name: DEFAULT Rubric for CCJS ProjectsCriteriaThe paper is exemplary. Content of the paper exceeds all information required by assignment, demonstrates critical thinking skills, sophisticated analysis and other perspectives.Points available: 18-20Paper indicates effort above and beyond the Project Description in the areas of research, analysis, critical thinking, etc.Points available: 16-17.9In general, the content of the paper addresses the information required by the assignment.Points available: 14-15.9The overall content of the paper addresses less than the minimal amount of the information required by the assignment. It demonstrates marginal work and does not reflect an understanding of the project.Points available D: 10-11.9Points available F: 0-9.9Analysis and critical thinking is evident throughout the paper, beyond the requirements in the Project DescriptionPoints available: 18-20Paper includes evidence of analysis and critical thinking beyond the requirements in the Project DescriptionPoints available: 16-17.9The analysis and critical thinking is consistant with the requirements in the Project DescriptionPoints available: 14-15.9The analysis and critical thinking reflected in this paper did not meet the requirements in the Project DescriptionPoints available D: 10-11.9Points available F: 0-9.9Assignment is formatted exactly as required.Points available: 9-10Assignment is formatted as required with minor/ inconsequential deviations.Points available: 8-8.9Assignment mostly formatted as required but missing some required element(s).Points available: 7-7.9Assignment is missing major elements,Points available D: 5-5.9Points available F: 0-4.9Excellent understanding and application of theory and knowledge to the facts.Terminology is correct in all uses.Points available: 9-10Clear application of theory and knowledge to the facts.Most terminology references are correctly applied.Points available: 8-8.9Application of theory, knowledge and terminology indicate understanding of the concepts and focus of the projectPoints available: 7-7.9Theory and knowledge does not apply to the facts presented.Use of terminology indicates a lack of understanding of the concepts and focus of the projectPoints available D: 5-5.9Points available F: 0-4.9Organization is relevant to topic, clear and understandable with logical flow that makes the project easier to follow.Points available: 9-10Organization is clear and does not distract from the project’s content.Points available: 8-8.9Organization presents some MINORdistractions from the project’s content.Points available: 7-7.9Organization lacks relevance, is unclear, difficult to understand, or logic is missing that causes distraction for the reader.Points available D: 5-5.9Points available F: 0-4.9Assignment is formatted exactly as required, all required citations and references are present and APA standards are followed in every respect.Points available 13.5-15Assignment is formatted as required with minor/ inconsequential deviations, resource requirements are met, citations and references are present and APA standards are followed.Points available: 12-13.4Assignment mostly formatted as required but missing some required elements/ sources or some APA errors are evident.Points available: 10.5-11.9Assignment is missing major elements, lacks required sources or APA is not followed however a different citation method is used correctly.Points available D: 7.6 – 8.9Points available F: 0-7.5No or minor English and grammar usage errors.Points available 13.5-15A few minor/ inconsequentialmistakes in English and grammar.Points available 12-13.4Some, but acceptable mistakes in English and/or  grammar.Points available: 10.5-11.9Many mistakes evident in English/grammar usage.Points available D: 7.6 – 8.9Points available F: 0-7.5Overall Score

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