Probation and parole Unit 2 assignment – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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Probation and parole Unit 2 assignment – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
Research conditions of probation used in your home state. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:1. How and why did these conditions originate in your opinion?2. Discuss the merits, value and implications of these conditions.3. Has your home state adopted any policies, which are applicable to juvenile offenders? If so, please explain. If not, do you think that special provisions or conditions should apply to juvenile offenders?In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed
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