International Business Law DQ 1-4. Do not contact if cannot meet deadline!!! – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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International Business Law DQ 1-4. Do not contact if cannot meet deadline!!! – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
Comparative LawIn no less than 200 words, compare the following legal systems: Romano-Germanic Civil Law System, the Anglo-American Law System and the Islamic Law System. Explain which one you believe to the most effective legal system. Explain which one you believe to be the least effective legal system. All work must be cited and not plagiarized.State ResponsibilityProvide a well written answer of not less than 200 words to the following. In the law of state responsibility, how is the “national standard of care” different from the “international standard of care”? Explain which you believe to be the better rule. All work must be cited and not plagiarized.Competition Law and the Jurisdictional Rule of ReasonIn no less than 200 words, answer Question #2 of the Chapter Questions at the end of Chapter 4 of your text. Be sure to incorporate any relevant legal concepts and case law that may apply to this case. All work must be cited and not plagiarized.Foreign InvestmentProvide a well written answer of not less than 200 words to the following. You are the legal advisor for a vacuum cleaner manufacturing company. The board of directors has sent you to State X to negotiate an investment agreement with State X’s government. Describe and discuss the terms and provisions that should be included in this agreement in order to protect your company’s investment. All work must be cited and not plagiarized.
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