w5 3b – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER


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w5 3b – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER

Please review the two signed statements from witnesses. One is from Dawn Dietz, the prosecutor’s witness, and the other is from Joe “The Fireman”, the defense’s witness.  Using these two witness statements and the facts provided to you in the week 1 discussion #2,  answer the following questions:1) If you were the prosecutor, how would you discredit the potential testimony of Joe The Fireman?2) If you were the defense attorney, how would you discredit the potential testimony of Dawn Dietz?3) Discuss some of the conflicts in the statements made by both Dietz and Joe and the facts provided in week 1.4)  What statements/testimony from the witnesses, the police officer and Mayo will be admissible and inadmissible? Discuss why.

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