2023 Question 1 Question Web 2 0 refers to Web delivered services and content paid for by SM sponsors users | Assignments Online

2023 Question 1 Question Web 2 0 refers to Web delivered services and content paid for by SM sponsors users | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance


Question 1. Question: Web 2.0 refers to Web-delivered services and content paid for by:

SM sponsors.




Question 2. Question : Which of the following statements is true of social CRM?

Customers likely to generate the most business get the most attention from the organization.

All the customer relationship processes in social CRM are structured and controlled.

Each customer crafts his or her own relationship with the company.

Though relationships emerge from joint activity, companies control the customers.

Question 3. Question : When a student attends a business function for the purpose of meeting people and reinforcing relationships, he or she is investing in his or her:

human capital.

process capital.

social capital.

structural capital.

Question 4. Question : A group considers Twitter to be far superior to Facebook and attempts to convince others that this is true. When confronted with contrary evidence, the group members do not change their opinion. According to Gossieaux and Moran, which of the following kinds of communities is most likely being illustrated in the given scenario?

Defenders of belief

Seekers of the truth

Proprietary community

Gated community

Question 5. Question : The primary risk of peer-to-peer support in the context of social media and customer service is:

loss of control.

loss of credibility.

lack of privacy.

increase in expenses.

Question 6. Question : Social capital, unlike traditional capital:

appreciates with time and never depreciates.

depreciates with time and never appreciates.

sometimes depreciates and at other times appreciates with time.

remains constant with time.

Question 7. Question : According to the SEAMS dynamic process, which of the following activities is most likely to involve the identification of important communities, what they do, where they hang out, what they care about, and how organizations relate to them?





Question 8. Question : Enterprise 2.0 workers want applications to enable them to rate tagged content and to use the tags to predict content that will be of interest to them, a process McAfee refers to as:





Question 9. Question : In McAfee’s SLATES Enterprise 2.0 model, “A” stands for:





Question 10. Question : ________, which refers to the matter in an SM site that is contributed by nonemployee site visitors, is the essence of SM relationships.

User-generated content


Secondary data

Continuous data

Question 11. Question : ________ measures the frequency that someone who clicks on an ad makes a purchase, “Likes” a site, or takes some other action desired by the advertiser.


Conversion rate


Enterprise 2.0

Question 12. Question : Which of the following revenue models is most likely followed by companies providing Web 2.0 services?

Traditional marketing


User participation

Venture capital

Question 13. Question : According to Gossieaux and Moran, which of the following observations is true about a hyper-social organization?

It uses social media in an organization-centric manner.

It creates relationships in which only one of the parties perceives and gains value.

It is characterized by a transformation of thinking from market segments to tribes.

It is an organization that transitions from a dynamic process to a structured one.

Question 14. Question : The storage of ________ differentiates SMIS from Web site applications.

secondary data

content data

connection data

continuous data

Question 15. Question : According to Gossieaux and Moran, which of the following statements is true of defenders-of-belief communities?

They are open to changing their beliefs when confronted with contrary evidence.

They are very effective for activities that involve innovation or problem solving.

They make ineffective sales and marketing professionals.

They seek conformity and want to convince others of the wisdom of their beliefs.

Question 16. Question : A ________ is a person who is well versed in an organization’s strategy and focuses on ensuring that business processes and information systems meet the organization’s competitive strategies.

business analyst

business application programmer

business administrator

business supervisor

Question 17. Question : In a business process, resources are:

people or computer applications that are assigned to roles.

collections of procedures and activities.

the total number of points of work that can be accomplished in each scrum period.

collections of related tasks that receive inputs and produce outputs.

Question 18. Question : According to Brooks’ Law, adding more people to a late project will:

guarantee efficiencies.

speed up the project.

create diseconomies of scale.

reduce the need for coordination.

Question 19. Question : Organizational feasibility assesses:

the organization’s budget and schedule requirements.

the competitor’s business process model.

whether the organization has the technical infrastructure to implement the new system.

whether the new system fits within the organization’s customs or legal requirements.

Question 20. Question : In a business process, ________ are defined as collections of related tasks that receive inputs and produce outputs.





Question 21. Question : In a business process, an inventory or a database is an example of a:

decision tree.




Question 22. Question : A ________ is a sequence of activities that determine the earliest date by which a project can be completed.

Venn diagram

Pareto chart

critical path

scatter plot

Question 23. Question : According to the scrum process, once the tasks are known for a given set of requirements, the next step is to assign each task a difficulty score, called:





Question 24. Question : : In Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) diagrams, a square with a plus sign means that:

a question can be answered with no.

it is the end of the process.

a question can be answered with yes.

an activity is considered to be a subprocess of a process.

Question 25. Question : During the system implementation phase of the SDLC, once a system has passed testing, the organization installs the new system. Which of the following terms is used to refer to this activity?

Beta testing

System conversion

Agile development

System control

Question 26. Question : During the requirements definition stage of developing an information system, the project team will consist mostly of:

programmers and testers.

testers and business users.

business and systems analysts.

database designers and administrators.

Question 27. Question : The term ________ refers to a set of management policies, practices, and tools that developers use to maintain control over the SDLC project’s resources.

swim-lane layout


transmission control protocol

configuration control

Question 28. Question : Which of the following phases of the SDLC include identifying what is to be produced, how frequently, and how fast it is to be produced?

Requirements analysis

System implementation

Component design

System definition

Question 29. Question : The project plan which results from defining the system is the input to ________, which is the second phase of the SDLC.

system design

system implementation

requirements analysis

system maintenance

Question 30. Question : Which of the following are the four dimensions of feasibility?

Planning, process, technical, and schedule feasibility

Operational, strategic, technical, and tactical feasibility

Cost, schedule, technical, and organizational feasibility

Schedule, process, technical, and competitive feasibility

Question 31. Question : Firewalls produce ________ which include lists of all dropped packets, infiltration attempts, and unauthorized access attempts from within the firewall.



activity logs

RSS feeds

Question 32. Question : Key escrow is a(n):

protocol used to secure communication over the internet.

safety procedure that allows a trusted party to have a copy of the encryption key.

device that prevents unauthorized network access.

encryption algorithm that uses both public and private keys.

Question 33. Question : Secure Socket Layer is also known as:

application layer.

transport layer security.

presentation layer.

network interface layer security.

Question 34. Question : Which of the following is classified as a technical safeguard?



Key escrow


Question 35. Question : Which of the following statements is true of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)?

It uses asymmetric encryption exclusively.

It is used to send sensitive data such as credit card numbers.

It uses one set of encryption keys for multiple sessions.

It is a stronger version of HTTPS.

Question 36. Question : A virus is a computer program that replicates itself. The program code that causes unwanted activity is called the:



bot herder.

key escrow.

Question 37. Question : ________ is a function pertaining to a particular database that develops procedures and practices to control and protect the database.

Data encryption

Database administration

Data authentication

Database normalization

Question 38. Question : ________ refers to an organization-wide function that is in charge of developing data policies and enforcing data standards.

Data administration



Data encryption

Question 39. Question : Packet-filtering firewalls:

can filter both inbound and outbound traffic.

examine the destination address but not the source address.

are the most complex type of firewall.

seldom examine the data or the addresses of the message.

Question 40. Question : Which of the following is an example of a sniffing technique?

IP spoofing


Denial of service


Question 41. Question : ________ is a technique for intercepting computer communications, either through a physical connection to a network or without a physical connection in the case of wireless networks.





Question 42. Question : Which of the following systems procedures is specifically the responsibility of operations personnel?

Writing software program codes

Using systems to perform job tasks

Creating back up of system databases

Knowing whom to contact when a security breach occurs

Question 43. Question : ________ occurs through human error when employees do not follow proper procedures or when procedures have not been well designed.

Unauthorized data disclosure

Incorrect data modification

Denial of service

Loss of infrastructure

Question 44. Question : A(n) ________ has a microchip in it to hold data.

ATM card

smart card


key escrow

Question 45. Question : In information security, which of the following is true of managing risk?

All organizations except financial institutions should invest heavily in security safeguards.

Organizations should implement safeguards that balance the trade-off between risk and cost.

Passwords are classified under the technical safeguards category.

Physical security is classified under the human safeguards category.

Question 46. Question : When a firm is localizing a computer program, which of the following should it avoid?

Translating the user interface

Retaining forms and reports that have labels

Adjusting the sorting order for different character sets

Redrawing and translating diagrams

Question 47. Question : A ________ is a network of organizations and facilities that transforms raw materials into products delivered to customers.

legacy system

flat organization

shell corporation

supply chain

Question 48. Question : Which of the following best describes the bullwhip effect?

The value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of users connected to the system.

The performance improvement to be gained from using some faster mode of execution is limited by the fraction of the time the faster mode can be used.

The variability in the size and timing of orders increases at each stage up the supply chain, from customer to supplier.

Improvements in technology lead to new applications, which result in new markets and industries.

Question 49. Question : Which of the following statements is true of global databases?

A single database increases data integrity problems.

A single database makes it possible to have an integrated view of the operations of an organization.

When using a single database to process data, data transmission speeds are extremely high.

The processing of a single database that resides in a single location is referred to as distributed database processing.

Question 50. Question : Enterprise systems, such as ERP, solve the problems of data isolation by integrating data into a database that provides a comprehensive and organization-wide view. This would require:

all processes to be located in the same geographical place.

the company to standardize on a single language.

backshoring processes to the home country.

the company to customize its product offerings.




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