2023 Just a response needed 100 words Calculate the average life average age and asset turnover ratios Discuss what each ratio | Assignments Online
2023 Just a response needed 100 words Calculate the average life average age and asset turnover ratios Discuss what each ratio | Assignments Online
Assignments Online 2023 Business & Finance
Just a response needed. 100 words
- Calculate the average life, average age, and asset turnover ratios. Discuss what each ratio tells you in the context of your chosen company.
Average life= 9.3 years
Average age=8.7 years
Asset Turnover Ratio: 1.18
The average life, average age, and asset turnover ratio tell us how productive a company’s assets are and analyze the companies profitability (Porter & Norton, 2018). The asset turnover ratio tells us for every dollar of assets, $1.18 of sales was produced during the year 2020. This is a good indication that the assets are being productive and will continue to be productive in the future. As for the average life of FedEx’s assets, it is 9.3 years, which is pretty good for operating assets.
- Calculate the accounts receivable turnover ratio and convert that ratio into days. Discuss what each ratio tells you in the context of your chosen company.
Accounts receivable Turnover Ratio: 7.2 times
Ratio into days: 50.7 days
The accounts receivables turnover ratio for FedEx is 7.2 times a year, or every 50.7 days, and the receivables are collected (FedEx Corporation, 2020). Compared to a competitor such as UPS, with an average accounts receivables turnover ratio of 7.22 times a year, FedEx is the same (CSIMarket, Inc, 2021). FedEx could make some changes to increase their accounts receivables turnover ratio to reflect better than its competitors. UPS average collection period for the third quarter of 2020 was 71, which means FedEx is doing a lot better at collecting its receivables quicker (CSIMarket, Inc, 2021)
CSIMarket, Inc. (2021). Retrieved from CSIMarket.com: https://csimarket.com/stocks/singleEfficiencyrt.php?code=UPS
FedEx Corporation. (2020). FedEx.com. Retrieved from 2020 Annual Report: https://s21.q4cdn.com/665674268/files/doc_financials/annual/2020/377973_1_9_FedEx_AR_WR.pdf
Porter, G., & Norton, C. (2018). Using financial accounting information: The alternative to debits and credits (10th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cengage.com
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