2023 Here is what you should do 1 print a copy of this wordy email | Assignments Online

2023 Here is what you should do 1 print a copy of this wordy email | Assignments Online

Assignments Online 2023 Business Finance


Here is what you should do:

1. print a copy of this wordy email 

2. read it

3. go back and begin crossing out all of the unnecessary words and eliminate the BIZ-SPEAK

4. when you are done, go back and cross out a few MORE words – then cross out a few MORE

5. rewrite the email so it is clean, fast, and says exactly what it needs to say. (Of course, there is no correct response and answers will vary.) If you have to add a word here or there or move something around a bit for clarity, please do so.

6. save your new, improved email/homework as a word (doc) file or pdf file and submit your rewritten email by clicking above

Let’s see how many words you can eliminate!

Want a hint??? I recommend crossing out SIX words in the GREETING, ten words in the first line, and 12 more in the second line!!! Yes , there are LOTS of extra and unnecessary words.

YOU SHOULD FIND AT LEAST 75 WORDS TO ELIMINATE – EASILY! This should indicate to you how many EXTRA words there are in this email. 

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