2024 – WEEK 6 QUIZ Question 1 The level of significance can be any positive value can be any value is

Week 6 Assignment Quiz – 2024



Question 1 

The level of significance


can be any positive value


can be any value


is (1 – confidence level)


can be any value between -1.96 to 1.96

Question 2 

When the p-value is used for hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis is rejected if


p-value ≤ α


α < p-value


p-value ≥ α


p-value = 1 – α

Question 3 

When each data value in one sample is matched with a corresponding data value in another sample, the samples are known as


corresponding samples


matched samples


independent samples


None of these alternatives is correct.

Question 4 

What type of error occurs if you reject H0 when, in fact, it is true?


Type II


Type I


either Type I or Type II, depending on the level of   significance


either Type I or Type II, depending on whether the test   is one tail or two tail

Question 5 

The p-value is a probability that measures the support (or lack of support) for the


null hypothesis


alternative hypothesis


either the null or the alternative hypothesis


sample statistic

Question 6 

The power curve provides the probability of


correctly accepting the null hypothesis


incorrectly accepting the null hypothesis


correctly rejecting the alternative hypothesis


correctly rejecting the null hypothesis

Question 7 

A Type II error is committed when


a true alternative hypothesis is mistakenly rejected


a true null hypothesis is mistakenly rejected


the sample size has been too small


not enough information has been available

Question 8 

A two-tailed test is performed at 95% confidence. The p-value is determined to be 0.09. The null hypothesis


must be rejected


should not be rejected


could be rejected, depending on the sample size


has been designed incorrectly

Question 9 

Your investment executive claims that the average yearly rate of return on the stocks she recommends is at least 10.0%. You plan on taking a sample to test her claim. The correct set of hypotheses is


H0: μ < 10.0%   Ha: μ ≥ 10.0%


H0: μ ≤ 10.0%   Ha: μ > 10.0%


H0: μ > 10.0%   Ha: μ ≤ 10.0%


H0: μ ≥ 10.0%    Ha: μ < 10.0%

Question 10 

For a two-tailed test at 98.4% confidence, Z =









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