2024 – Hello want your help with assignment please The instructions write a summary of the readings to

C-522 (2) – 2024

 Hello want your help with assignment please 

The instructions:

write a summary of the readings to be uploaded one and a half single-spaced pages (approximately 900 words).

 Memo writers

must be prepared to lead the discussion for that class.

Content of the oral and written assignment will consist of 

1) a brief summary of the key

points of the readings;

 2) your comments on those key points—for example do you agree or

disagree? why or why not; and 

3)At the end of the paper do me 3 questions these readings raise but do not answer it. Power

Point is not required.


– Singer/Friedman. CyberSecurity and Cyber War, Part II, Sections:

**“Cyberwar, Ugh, What Are Zeros and Ones Good For?”: Defining CyberWar

**A War by Any Other Name? The Legal Side of Cyber Conflict

**What Might a “Cyberwar” Actually Look Like? Computer Network Operations

**Focus: What is the Military Approach to CyberWar?

**Focus: What is the Chinese Approach to Cyber War?

**What about Deterrence in an Era of Cyberwar?

**Why is Threat Assessment So Hard in Cyberwar?

**Does the Cybersecurity World Favor the Weak or the Strong?

**Who Has the Advantage, the Offense or the Defense?

**A New Kind of Arms Race: What Are the Dangers of Cyber Proliferation?

**Are There Lessons from the Past Arms Races?


I uploaded the book for the readings and an Example paper than what my paper should be like 

I also want a presentation about the reading around 4 or 5 slides.

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