2024 – 1 Which of the following descriptions best captures the difference between a euphemism and

A+ Answers of the following Questions – 2024

1 Which of the following descriptions best captures the difference between a euphemism and a dysphemism?
A) A dysphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader’s attitude and a euphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader’s attitude.
B) A dysphemism is a form of rhetoric but a euphemism is not.
C) A euphemism is employed to create a negative effect on a reader’s attitude and a dysphemism is employed to create a positive effect on a reader’s attitude.
D) A euphemism is a form of rhetoric but a dysphemism is not.

2 This rhetorical device is a thought or image about a group of people based upon little or no evidence.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

3 This rhetorical device allows someone to insinuate something deprecatory about someone or something without actually saying it.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

4 This rhetorical device is phrased as a question that rests upon one or more unwarranted or unjustified assumptions.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

5  This rhetorical device works by protecting a claim from criticism by watering it down so to give the speaker a way out in the case that the claim is challenged.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

6 This rhetorical device works by attempting to make someone or something less significant or important.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

7 This rhetorical device is best described as an extravagant overstatement.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

8 This rhetorical device works by suggesting that there is evidence or authority for a claim without actually citing this evidence.
A) Loaded question
B) Downplayer
C) Hyperbole
D) Horse laugh
E) Proof Surrogate
F) Euphemism
G) Weaseler
H) Stereotype
I) Innuendo
J) Dysphemism

9 Your teacher might have called this paper on capitalism “independent thinking”.
A) Euphemism
B) Innuendo
C) Rhetorical explanation
D) Proof surrogate
E) Rhetorical definition

10 I don’t know what my opponents will base their speeches on; I’m basing mine on love for my country.
A) Euphemism
B) Innuendo
C) Weaseler
D) Downplayer
E) Stereotype

11 Economists say this layoff is Cleveland’s final readjustment to a service economy.
A) Innuendo
B) Euphemism
C) Downplayer
D) Stereotype
E) Rhetorical definition

12  At the end of the day, the reasons for our view tend to preponderate over the reasons for the contrary view.
A) Euphemism
B) Innuendo
C) Rhetorical explanation
D) Weaseler
E) Rhetorical definition

13 Of course she told you it’ll run smoothly. Car salespeople will tell you whatever they think you want to hear.
A) Rhetorical explanation
B) Weaseler
C) Loaded question
D) Downplayer
E) Proof surrogate

14 For all practical purposes, there has basically been only one worthwhile idea in the history of philosophy.
A) Innuendo
B) Loaded question
C) Weaseler
D) Stereotype
E) Rhetorical definition

15 Are you here to beg for another favor?
A) Euphemism
B) Loaded question
C) Rhetorical explanation
D) Weaseler
E) Rhetorical definition

16 Open this envelope and you’ll get a check for three million dollars, if your name appears on our list of winners.
A) Rhetorical definition
B) Innuendo
C) Downplayer
D) Weaseler
E) Stereotype

17 Letter to the editor: “We can thank ivory tower professors like Mr. Fosl for all the head-in-the-clouds ideas our society has to contend with.”
A) Stereotype
B)  Weaseler
C) Rhetorical explanation
D) Loaded question
E) Rhetorical definition

18 Is this going to be another bright suggestion like your proposal that we take scuba lessons?
A) Stereotype
B) Loaded question
C) Proof surrogate
D) Rhetorical definition
E) Innuendo

19 Who was that young woman with the Senator last night: his niece?
A) Stereotype
B) Euphemism
C) Rhetorical definition
D) Rhetorical explanation
E) Innuendo

20 You can’t sleep with the covers over your head. All the medical journals will tell you that’s harmful.
A) Stereotype
B) Euphemism
C) Weaseler
D) Proof surrogate
E) Downplayer


21 Taxation is the oppressive practice of taking other people’s hard-earned money.
A) Loaded question
B) Euphemism
C) Rhetorical explanation
D) Innuendo
E) Weaseler

22 We will fund this new program through revenue enhancements from the sale of beer and cigarettes.
A) Downplayer
B) Euphemism
C) Proof surrogate
D) Weaseler
E) Innuendo

23 Overheard: “You know why the subway is so dirty, don’t you? They’re getting people on welfare to clean the cars.”
A) Rhetorical explanation
B) Loaded question
C) Downplayer
D) Stereotype
E) Rhetorical definition

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