Am I A Feminist? – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help –
Am I A Feminist? – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help –
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1. Write about your experience with the GABI
2. It should be about 2 pages in length
3. It should cover the following questions
3.1 Which theory best fit your answers on the GABI? Based on the description, does that match up with how you viewed feminism before the assignment?
3.2 Which theory least fit your answers on the GABI (which theory or theories did you have the lowest score on)? Based on its description, does that match up with how you viewed feminism before the assignment?
3.3 If there was a mismatch on either of the above two questions, why do you think that might be?
3.4 Before the assignment, how well did you believe you understood feminism? Did the GABI and our discussion change your understanding at all?
3.5 Did the discussion of the various forms of feminism change your general attitude toward feminism? Why or why not?
3.6 What did you learn from the assignment?
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