Answer 3 Questions In 3 Paragraph After Do Some Research – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help –
Answer 3 Questions In 3 Paragraph After Do Some Research – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help –
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INSTRUCTIONS: You were recently hired by the Fish and Wildlife Service for the state of Waorca as a resource manager in charge of marine diversity (congratulations – you’re making the big bucks!). Two weeks into your job, the blue sea lion (Zalophus aqua; no this is not a real species) is designated as endangered in your region; the blue sea lion is found within Waorca and so this species is under your purview. As a result, you are charged with (1) assessing the status of the blue sea lion in Waorca, as well as (2) determining potential threats, and (3) the means of managing this sea lion.
You need to write a ‘report’ that details these elements to present to the head of the Waorca Fish and Wildlife Service. Address the following three questions, each in its own paragraph – you only need to write ONE PARAGRAPH for each of the three questions.
1. Biological assessment: In one paragraph, please answer the following:
(10 pts) Describe two critical biological elements (e.g., the size of the blue sea lion population) that you will need to understand for the conservation of blue sea lions in your region (i.e., how well its doing), or things about its biology that need to be counted, quantified or evaluated in order to manage it properly. (Yes you may use population size, but I’ll be more impressed if you can name two different ones!) Your two biological elements should be linked to what will be important to know in the context of threats to blue sea lions and managing their populations (in other words, your answers to Questions 2 and 3).
(10 pts) Pick one of these two elements and describe one method, tool or analysis you would use to quantify that element. In other words, if you choose population size, what methods, tools or analyses would you use to scientifically evaluate the size of the blue sea lion population? (Keep in mind I don’t expect you to detail statistical methods or that level of detail; I am looking for you to name a general method, tool or analysis and a brief description.)
2. Threat assessment: In one paragraph, please answer the following:
(15 pts) Describe three threats to the blue sea lion.
(10 pts) Pick one of these threats and give some insight into what human needs – whether in the ocean or on land – have likely resulted in this threat. In other words, humans don’t usually harm species just for fun – the reason we harm species like the blue sea lion usually results from an unintended consequence. Explain why and how human needs may need to be considered in relation to the one of the threats.
3. Management options: In one paragraph, describe two potential management options (e.g., marine protected areas) that can be used to better protect the blue sea lion (30 pts). You should demonstrate how these two management options will help to reduce the three threats (15 pts) you chose in Part 2, and how you expect the two biological elements (10 pts) you evaluated in Part 1 to improve or change. (Yes, you may use marine protected areas as one of your two management options.)
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