Cellular Autometa Matlab Algorithm – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org
Cellular Autometa Matlab Algorithm – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org
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this project is a cellular autometa simulation project, you need to be able to know how to use matlab and to know how the dynamics of cellular autometa works.
*it is similar to ” Conway’s game of life”, using agents and neighboring cells and the basic autometa process: 1) i and j grid
2) set states 3) rules based on dynamics of the problem
-my project abstract and proposal are attached. you will basically need to construct a simulation model (using matlab) similar to the example i have attached, but on a different problem.
-my task is to “Applying Cellular Automata simulation to the process of bioremediation of contaminated soils.”
– i will attache a step by step method and a matlab script example, i will also attach some articles to familiarize your self about this environmental program.
– i will attache a step by step method and a matlab script example, i will also attach some articles to familiarize your self about this environmental program.
**please hand in an abstract of the problem and dynamics used, the algorithm and a brief explanation of each step of the algorithm ********
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