Couple Multiple Choce Questions, CC Justice – Assignment Online |

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Couple Multiple Choce Questions, CC Justice- Assignment Online |

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Question 1


The following is an example of a Status Offense








 None of the Above




 Question 2


The NIBRS is an effective tool for reporting of criminal activity for federal agencies only and statistical analysis of crime.








Question 3


Part II crimes as reported in the UCR include the following information


 Arrest data.               


 Location of the offense


 Party responsible for reporting the crime


 Reported to the FBI Compilation Center




Question 4


Strain Theory as promulgated by Merton indicates


 People are born neither “bad” or “good”


 People are inherently undisciplined


 People are influenced by the values of society.            


 All of the above




 Question 5


Glueck and Glueck determined that single parent homes were a risk factor for the development of delinquency.








Question 6


Authoritative Parent Styles are characterized by


 To shape and control child’s life.                  


 No control and extremely few restrictions on a child


 To be rational and apply reasonable restrictions


 Detached and unengaged in the child’s life




Question 7


Research demonstrates that there is no relationship between sibling criminal activity and the onset of delinquency.








 Question 8


A lack of empathy is indicative of conscience/super ego deficiency










Question 9


There is an inverse relationship between IQ and the commission of crime








 Question 10


Diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder from the DSM identify include




 Bed Wetting


 Animal Cruelty


 a & c




Question 11


Conduct Disorder diagnosed children/adolescents are also commonly diagnosed as ADHD, but the reverse is not as common.








Question 12

Biological predisposition to develop deviant behavior includes


 Neurological abnormalities




 In Utero experiences


 All of the above




 Question 13


B.F. Skinner’s Theory of the origin of criminal etiology excludes


 Behavior Modeling










Question 14


Instrumental Learning requires


 Classical conditioning


 Social Modeling


 Presence of Rewards and Punishments.            


 Humans act in a monotonous routine manner without active intelligence.




Question 15


The Milgram study demonstrated


 Social Learning Theory


 Fundamental Attribution Error


 Crimes of Obedience.             


 Classical Conditioning




Question 16


Deindividuation explains the phenomena of


 Cognitive decision making on individual behaviors


 Operant Conditioning.              








 Question 17


The Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrates


Classical Conditioning


 Operant Conditioning


 Moral Disengagement


 Crowd Violence




Question 18


Sutherland’s Theory of Differential Association demonstrates


 Influence of intimate personal groups




 Definitions of unlawful v. lawful behavior


 All of the Above




Question 19


Akers, in contrast to Sutherland, attempts to explain the origin of crime by combining aspects of Bandura and Freud theoretical perspectives in his Differential Association – Reinforcement Theory.








Question 20


Examples of ethological viewpoints on aggression include


 Gang Graffiti painted on the back of stop signs.           


 Serving as a subordinate to a dominant gang member


 Serving as a member of the school student council


 None of the above




Question 21


Status Offenses are the best predictor of future criminal behavior.








Question 22


Research has demonstrated that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.








Question 23


R.D. Hare defined Psychopathy as


 Primary Psychopaths




 Anti-Social Personality Disorder


 All of the Above




Question 24


Psychopaths demonstrate symptoms of


 Worry and anxiety


 Empathy for others


 Conscience Deficiency






Question 25


Other traits of Psychopaths include




 Pathological Lying




 All of the Above




Question 26


Research does not demonstrate that psychopaths are not more likely than other offenders to derive pleasure from both the nonsexual and sexual suffering of others.








Question 27


The interpersonal behaviors demonstrated by psychopaths include


 Lack of personal goals


 Persistent criminal activity


 Promiscuous sexual behavior






Question 28


The antisocial tendencies of a Psychopath include:


 Grandiose self-worth


 Shallow emotions


 Poor self-regulation


 Manipulation of others.        




 Question 29


Which of the following is considered a possible biological origin of Psychopathy?


 Frontal Lobe Dysfunctions


 Maturation Retardation Hypothesis


 Hemisphere Asymmetry


 All of the Above




Question 30


The higher the level of intelligence of a Psychopath, the more overt his behaviors.






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