DISASTER MANAGEMENT PAPER – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org
DISASTER MANAGEMENT PAPER – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org
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The student will complete a Research Paper providing a detailed examination of all phases of disaster management. The student will examine all phases of disaster management including: an overview of the emergency management discipline; key concepts, definitions, and perspectives; mitigation to include prevention; preparedness, planning, response, and recovery. The following subtopics will be included within the respective phase they best fit: human behavior, warnings, evacuation, sheltering, special needs populations, triage, damage assessment, disaster declarations, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, and assistance as well as fiscal issue. Decision-making, unified command, incident command, EOC operations, along with coordination efforts will be examined. The roles of faith-based agencies as well as public-private partnerships will be discussed. The student will approach it from a holistic manner considering all potential disciplines that might be involved in any phase of dealing with a disaster. Finally, Biblical foundations should be addressed. The student will write at minimum an 8-full page research-oriented paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 7 sources (which can include the class textbook and the Bible). The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.
Assignment Specifics:
· Minimum an 8-full page, not counting title and reference pages, research-oriented paper in current APA format
· At least 7 sources
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