Discussion Board 4 – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER


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Discussion Board 4 – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER

This week of class, we examine Chapter 7 (Criminal Law) and Chapter 8 (Tort Law).  In the Learning Unit for this week of class, there is a video involving the OJ Simpson criminal trial and a link to a NY Times article involving the OJ Simpson civil case (posted below).  For those who are younger, you may not remember this case.  I remember it well because the entire country watched this case unfold on television since news media is allowed to use video cameras in criminal trials in California (which is not allowed in Pennsylvania).  After watching the video and reading the news article, please answer the following questions:1.  How does the difference between criminal law and civil law impact the verdicts (criminal case for murder and the civil case for wrongful death) in these two cases brought against OJ Simpson;2.  Who are the parties in the criminal case against OJ Simpson?  Who are the parties in the civil case against OJ Simpson?3.  Do you think a person who is acquitted of a crime should ever be held liable in a civil case based on the same exact facts?  Why or why not?Instructions:Each student must post an answer to my question which would be your initial response (200-500 words in length) and contain two references to the textbook readings.https://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/11/us/jury-decides-simpson-must-pay-25-million-in-punitive-award.html?pagewanted=allhttps://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/11/us/jury-decides-simpson-must-pay-25-million-in-punitive-award.html?pagewanted=allThis link for Ebook: https://www.cengage.com/dashboard/#/course-confirmation/MTPQZQ5NQN1Z/initial-course-confirmation

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