Home Work Assignment : Poverty Stimulation – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org

Home Work Assignment : Poverty Stimulation – Get Instant Assignment Homework Help – assignmentsonline.org

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For this assignment, you will complete a poverty simulation and think about all the different factors that contribute to poverty or economic security.

1. Go to www.playspent.org (Links to an external site.) and complete the simulation. Be sure to read all the accompanying text carefully. Tell me which choices you made in the simulation, how many days in the month you made it through, and how much money you had at the end of the month.

2. What different dimensions of poverty did you experience in the simulation? Financial? Educational? Health? Security? Etc. Explain how each was exhibited in the simulation.

3. What are 3 specific things (specific policies or actions) that the global community could do to alleviate the (local) poverty you experienced in this simulation? Support your answer with information from the course content(  Textbook: Introduction to Global Studies by John Mc Cormick (ISBN: 978-1-352-00399-4) and current events.

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