[philosophy] NO Template!! Need a lot of reading! – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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[philosophy] NO Template!! Need a lot of reading! – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
Your answer should be roughly 750-1000 words. Please consult formatting guidelines for written assignments1. The following news article outlines the plans of the Governments of Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand to force technology providers to provide “lawful access to users’ encrypted communications.” Encryption here can be understood as ‘a mathematical technique that prevents a third party from intercepting communication.’itnews—september 2018 [link]↓https://www.itnews.com.au/news/five-eyes-nations-to-force-encryption-backdoors-511865The article states that the governments of these five countries maintain that lawful access to encrypted digital information is necessary for the objective of pursuing security threats and prosecuting criminal activity. Are these five governments acting ethically in their attempts to force technology providers to give “lawful access to users’ encrypted communications”? Why or why not?In answering the questions, please apply the method of philosophical analysis. This means doing the following.(i) Pick an answer to the questions. You cannot complete the assignment without providing clear answers to the questions.(ii) Justify your answer with arguments. These arguments should apply the ethical theories we have discussed in this course.(iii) Consider arguments which lead to conclusions other than the ones you reach. Explain why you think these arguments do not work.include a word count;- be within 10% of the assigned length;- be in 12-point font, double spaced, with one inch margins.Recommended Resources:A great link for reading and thinking about philosophy texts: https://www.thoughtco.com/how- to-read-philosophy-2670729
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