questioner interview – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER


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questioner interview – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER

Resources:-Prepare a script of an interview with a problem client write the script out as a Questioner of (20 questions). You as the interviewer asking a problem client the questions you as a team develop.-Show the client answers to the questionnaire.Only responsible for the above.Summarize a potential problem client write 750 to 1050 word summary of the potential clients and their problems.Identify at least four resources for the human service worker to find tools or support to address the problems and the client.Create the paper as though it is representative of a client and human services worker conversation in which the risk of a dual relationship exists. Write the questions out as a questioner that Human Service Workers would use to conduct a needs assessment. Show the clients answers to the questions. Show the client testing the boundaries within the question and answer.Demonstrate how the client may test the boundaries and demonstrate how the human services worker may create appropriate boundaries in the dialogue.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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