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Hello Professor Coleman and Class,Email communication is most widely used form of communication in our daily lives. It is used at work as well as for our personal purposes. It is also, most widely misused by the communicators. Anyone can easily send an email, however, it requires a skill to send appropriate, professional email. To serve the purpose of communication, sender must focus on audience and the purpose of sending the email. As mentioned in the text book, one must see if the email is to serve the purpose to inform, to persuade, to convey goodwill or to establish credibility.I have noticed most common email miscommunication occurs while replying messages to group slowly deviates away from the main topic composed in subject line after few email exchanges. I recall an incidence when emailing about a patient ongoing issues to group of doctors and sought advice under treatment plan. I received first few replies related to the patient on what labs or test to be ordered.However, I noticed that some of the subsequent messages were about similar incident with another patient in another place where they used different treatment options and tests, its results and the cost was cheaper. Some of the doctors in the group email agreed that some of the tests we do here was not necessary and should not be ordered. In healthcare environment, it is common to get distracted with another patient work. I did not had the chance to read the whole trail of emails for that patient. So I pulled the last email message on that patient and placed orders accordingly. Fortunately, on the day of patient visit which was few weeks later, I reviewed the whole email again and I noticed that later part of email was not related to the patient, I had raised concern about. If I had not reviewed on time, I would have ended up ordering labs short and would have cost patient extra money and time.This miscommunication could have avoided, if the doctors discussing another scenario should have excluded me and communicated among themselves or should have created another email with new subject topic.2.Per the text, effective criminal investigators take notes of not only detailed information about the crime but generalized information that may or may not be relevant to the crime they are investigating. Refer to figure 2.15 “Recreation of a homicide shooting” in chapter 2 of the textbook and determine the information (important and generalized) that you would take for your crime investigation report. Be sure to classify each piece of information as being either important or generalized. Provide a rationale for your chosen pieces of information and the classification to which you identified them.Field notes are often more reliable than a person’s memory, they can be used as a source of specific facts and details that otherwise might be forgotten. Detailed field field notes also reduce the need to recontact victims and witnesses regarding information that was overlooked or questions that were not asked in the initial contact. The information i would take for my report are: 1. When did the incident happen, 2. where did the incident happen, 3. who the suspect and possible accomplist are, who are the victims and possible associates, 4. what type of crime was committed, 5. how was the crime discovered, and 6. why was the crime committed. While these are all important other general information that i would also need to document would be position of furnitures, position of the body, types of weapon and in the this case bullet trajectories. I choose them in this order because before a crime scene investigator starts investigates a crime s/he have to first establish that a crime did in fact take place so thats why i think those information of who, what, when, where, and why is more important than general.Citizen on line crime reporting has become popular in recent years but it has generated some speculation on its validity. Interpret your thoughts on the validity of self-reporting by citizens, and explain the main reasons why some people question the validity of citizen on line crime reporting.I think that online crime reporting is valid, a lot of citizens prefer this method because of various reasons, especially citizens that have been victims of aggravated assault, sexual assault, and rape, both male and female. This method is less embarrassing and may be more easier for them to explain their truth without the fear of discrimination of reporting officer and the public in general, and that doesn’t make it any less valid. I understand why some people may have some resovation about this method, because when people are asked to tell strangers about their illegal acts, they may lie about their criminal involvement, and also in some instance other people may forget, misunderstand, or distort their participation in crime.
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