weekly case analysis – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
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weekly case analysis – Assignment Online | GET A CUSTOM WRITTEN PAPER
Each student will treat this as an individual assignment. Your response should be well-rounded and analytical and should not just provide a conclusion or an opinion without explaining the reason for the choice. For full credit, you need to use the material from the week’s lectures, text and/or discussions when responding to the questions. Post a case analysis of a listed problem for the week in the corresponding weeks assignment drop box. The case assignments are posted below in the Case Assignments.The assignment should consist of a Word Document. It should include a summary of the relevant facts, the law, judicial opinion and answer the case questions. All that is necessary for an understanding of the case is important and required.The report must go beyond the discussion of the problem posed in the textbook, to achieve a superior grade. Do research outside the textbook- this must include research outside the case citation such as the Lexus-Nexis in the DeVry Library or FindLaw.com, do research on the parties and circumstances of the case itself and incorporate some visual modality as a part of the case analysis. Something about one of the parties, as well as some background contained in the legal opinion. Doing significant research outside the textbook is essential.Utilize the case format below.
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