Contemporary Issues HR Periodicals Check current periodicals to find an interesting current event september 2023

Contemporary Issues: HR Periodicals Check current periodicals to find an interesting current event article related to developing and/or rewarding employees for higher productivity. (1) read the article, (2) provide a summary of the article, (3) provide additional recommendations, arguments and ideas, and (4) include the citation. Feel free to use any business-related journals or periodicals. A good place to find HR-related journals is in ProQuest in the Trident Online Library. The following are other suggestions: The Economist. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from . SHRM’s publication, HRMagazine, is found in ProQuest in the Trident Online Library. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Contemporary Issues: HR Periodicals Higher productivity Nicholas The article that I read was Building a better Employee experienced by the Wall Street Journal. To sum up the article employees need to come up with new kinds of job experiences to make everyday life for their employees more enjoyable, engaging and mobile-enabled. For newer companies this is no easy task. But never the less the employer needs to respond in a proactive way to keep and retain the best and brightest talent. Progressive companies are rethinking the way they do normal business and approaching their employees with pulse feedback tools, wellness apps, self-service technologies, and more. The goal in all this is to give the employees a voice. In the past employers have tried to approach employee engagement, daily culture and reward programs as separate programs ran by other outside HR managers this was a moral killer because it disconnected the everyday employee and employer relationship and the daily understanding of each other. The contemporary new age employee looks at thing a bit differently. For them, everything that happens at work is part of an integrated experience that shapes daily life, including their overall physical, emotional, professional, and financial well-being. (WSJ) The push for all this change is designed to give daily line mangers the tools they need to give a holistic approach to the company at large. The WSJ said, “A holistic approach to the employee experience hinges on ongoing feedback and analytics to help HR teams and line leaders understand more fully what talent they employ and how to increase values in employee’s life’s” Along with these new age feedback tools HR has developed other engaging applications to keep employees impowered. These include: Productivity and collaboration communication applications, Well-being applications, and Employee self-service platforms. By leading the design and integrating new enabling tools for employees, HR managers, HR departments, and line managers companies can set up a sustainable healthy environment to help keep talent and reward employees for their engagement and feedback and dedication to the company. Building a Better Employee Experience. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

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