THE ASSIGNMENT Indicate why adopting this best practice would be in the interest of the organization september 2023

Research paper ” Social media and Culture Management” HRMD 610
THE ASSIGNMENT · Indicate why adopting this best practice would be in the interest of the organization. This should include a description of what the typical or former practice is, and how the best practice you have chosen would be an improvement. In the alternative, you can take a practice that has been widely recommended, or is in wide use, and show why it is not a best practice and ought to be discontinued. Through your literature citations you need to establish that the practice is widely used or widely recommended. You can’t pick on something that a particular firm is doing that is just plain bad management! · You need to indicate what legal implications, if any, are involved in the practice. You’re doing this from the perspective of sound HR management. You’re not expected to provide a detailed legal analysis. That’s why we have corporate attorneys. For example, if you’re discussing personnel selection, you would need to mention EEO considerations, if any, involved in the practice. · Since you’ve chosen a best practice, presumably you are advocating its adoption (or adoption of an alternative to a bad practice). Your discussion should be persuasive for adoption, but you should also indicate risks, possible disadvantages, or reasons why this best practice is not already more widely used. To bolster your claim, your paper must include citations to research literature that indicate that your best practice actually produces favorable results. THE RULES 1. The paper should contain eight (8) pages of text (12-pt. font required). The title page and the bibliography do not count toward the page total. Please put your name on each page and number the pages. 2. Use at least eight (8) citations to the literature to back up your arguments. That means eight separate sources that must be cited in your paper . It’s okay if you use the course texts for your paper, but you must not, however, heavily rely upon them . Please use APA style for references. 3. ** The Research Paper is not merely a summary of your research. Instead, the paper should synthesize what you have learned in the research. That is, I expect your paper to show analysis and interpretation. You should ask essential /key questions, such as “why?” and analyze the data you find in your research. Merely summarizing the research will not result in your highest possible grade. You should use the grading rubric below to guide your writing. The rubric is rather detailed to help you. 4. Essential/key questions must be included in your Introduction. Doing so establishes a roadmap for your paper. I should know exactly what the paper will address by reading your Introduction. See the Grading Rubric below. 5. Grading is based on the following: You should adhere to the Grading Rubric below. · Sound, practical conceptual and operational definitions that are reasonable for a real organization. · Thorough description of the practices you discuss. · Use of evidence to support an argument. That means your own thinking backed up by your sources. · A reasonable conclusion that ties together the arguments. · Adherence to the specifications of the assignment and the rules. You’ll lose credit if you don’t provide all the citations as specified, don’t use APA style, don’t discuss the legal aspect, etc. The tone of the paper should be that of selling a serious idea to senior managers and HR professionals. The paper must have appropriate spelling and grammar. Please use spell check and grammar check. Sloppy writing distracts the reader from your message. GRADING RUBRIC: Goal—10% _____The purpose of the paper is clearly stated. _____The topic is related to this class. (This should not be a problem since you selected one from a provided list.) _____The focus and scope are clearly and reasonably defined. _____The key questions are stated that you are planning to address. Organization (Outlining before writing helps to detect problems.) –65% _____The introduction tells the reader the purpose, scope, and agenda of the paper. _____The introduction indicates the relevance of the topic. _____The introduction is designed to catch the reader’s interest. _____The body of the paper contains substantial content and represents a significant literature review. In other words, the material extends substantially beyond the course readings. Issues are discussed thoroughly. All the major constituent groups’ perspectives are examined. _____ The body of the paper is not merely a summary of the literature. Rather, the paper shows an understanding of the material by synthesizing the material in a clear, analytical manner . _____Special terms are defined. _____Points are logically sequenced. _____Points are well supported with logic, data, and/or examples. _____Conclusions demonstrate integrative, critical thinking. _____The summary shows the purpose has been achieved and recaps the key thoughts. _____The summary gives psychological closure. Delivery (Having someone else read a draft helps to detect errors.) –20% _____Citations are given for non-original material, using APA format for the in-text citation as well as the reference list. _____Technical aspects of writing (i.e., grammar, sentence structure, paragraphing, and spelling) are correct. _____Academic style (i.e., appropriate diction, clarity, smooth transitions, and an audience-oriented approach) is demonstrated. Reference List—5% _____The references conform to APA format. _____Sufficient number and quality of references. RESEARCH PAPER WRITING TIPS Over the years, I’ve noticed that students need a little reminder about the research paper. Pardon me if they sound too basic, but the following are common errors that I’ve seen. 1. Re-read the Research Paper Instructions paying close attention to the Grading Rubric. This is what I will use to grade your papers. 2. Make sure that your paper has an introduction that includes the key/essential questions. The introduction should be a roadmap for your paper. That is, I should know what your paper is going to be about based upon your introduction. Your introduction should contain the key questions your paper will present and analyze. 3. Paragraphs should not be too long. A typical paragraph is 5-7 sentences. Paragraphs that are longer than that typically should be divided. 4. A paragraph has 1 topic sentence. 5. If you cite something that is not common knowledge, it needs a citation. It is better to over-cite than under-cite. 6. Your papers should have a conclusion that wraps-up your paper. You may even pose some interesting final thoughts for the reader. 7. Here’s a big one: Please do not personalize your research papers! That is, your paper should not contain anywhere the words “me”, “my” or “I.” Research papers focus on the research. Your personal opinions or personal/professional stories should NOT appear in your papers.

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