Note Part of the Reading Assignment includes taking a Library Tour Please be sure to complete september 2023

Unit4 – Individual Project
Note: Part of the Reading Assignment includes taking a Library Tour. Please be sure to complete the tour before attempting to locate the required sources for this assignment. Click here for the schedule of available times. Description Being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas successfully—both academically and professionally—requires practice and style. It is common for writers to draft, redraft, and call on tutors or style guides for assistance. Throughout your program experience, you will be encouraged to find your academic and professional writing voice. You will be guided to draft, redraft, and call upon resources that support your writing growth. Although opinions are a beginning to any analysis, to convince your audience that your perspective has merit, you will need to support your thoughts with evidence and examples that strengthen and validate your perspective. Three common resources that are used in higher education and professional arenas to ensure consistency and accuracy are the use of a library, a style format to acknowledge your sources, and access to learning resources. This assignment will enable you to practice with all 3 elements. Although the process of writing at the academic level is important, identifying a connection with the topic is also critical. Finding a personal interest within your topic, regardless of what class you are taking, will motivate you to find out more, to write with excitement, and encourage you to share what you have discovered with your audience. In addition to the writing process, this assignment will also provide an opportunity for you to find connections and elements of motivation when writing. Note: To complete this unit’s individual assignment, you must participate in a UNIV103 Live Library Tour. Select 1 individual of interest to you from the following list: Alice Walker Helen Keller Shaquille O’Neal Natalie Portman Warren Buffett Hillary Clinton John McCain George W. Bush Barack Obama Colin Powell Peyton Manning Oprah Winfrey Donald Trump J.R.R. Tolkien Condoleezza Rice J.K. Rowling Julia Child Denzel Washington Martin Luther King, Jr. Booker T. Washington Using the AIU Library, locate a source(s) and read about your selected individual to find out more about him or her. A Library Resource Guide for this assignment is available for your convenience at this Web site . A Library Resource video tutorial for this assignment is also available at this Web site . Write a 5-paragraph essay about your selected individual that discusses the following points and uses at least 1 quote and 1 paraphrase from your AIU Library-located source(s). Use citations and aligned references. Be sure to address the following: The reason for your selection of the individual The obstacles the individual overcame to achieve success The importance of education to the individual Tips and inspirational ideas from the individual that you can apply to your educational and professional success How learning more about the individual impacted your motivation to succeed Be sure your paper is typed in a 12-point, Times New Roman font, uses paragraph indention, is double-spaced, uses 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right), and is created using Word. For assistance, visit the following links: Click here for Citation and Reference Tips. In addition, a video tutorial covering the basics of writing a 5-paragraph essay is available for your convenience at this Web site . Click here for a Paraphrasing Tutorial. Please add your file to the Submissions area. If you are planning to use a repurposed or reused assignment, please let your instructor know about it. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, an instructor will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to Administration until proof of originality is provided. Click here for more information. Click here if you need to watch a tutorial on submitting Individual Project files . Grading Rubric 35% Individual selected from this list, at least 1 source located from the AIUO Library, 1 paraphrase and 1 quote used, and properly cited and referenced 35% Paper reflects content mastery of the selected individual in the areas of obstacles, educational perceptions, motivation, and the student makes a personal connection 30% Following of assignment directions, including 5 paragraph elements present, grammar, punctuation, style, logical transitions between ideas, length requirements, and acknowledgement of sources This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here . Reference Comptaylor. (2011). Write to inform: Basic 5-paragraph essay writing formula [Video]. Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:

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