Assignment 3 Human Resources Planning and Employee Relations Due Week 10 and september 2023

Assignment 3: Human Resources Planning and Employee Relations Due Week 10 and worth 360 points Building on the work that you completed in Assignment 2, continue evaluating the role of functions HR in creating a set of Human Resources’ policies and procedures for the acute care hospital. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Explain the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Provide support for your rationale. Provide an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. Determine the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Provide support for your rationale. Analyze two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. Create a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. (The plan should prescribe, at a minimum, how to identify employees for advancement, training and development programs, mentorships, and a timeline for preparing leaders for their role.) From both a management and employee perspective, justify or dispute unionization. Provide support for your rationale. Suggest the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Provide support for your rationale. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze the unique aspects of managing human resources in health care organizations. Demonstrate the importance of HR as a strategic partner in health care organizations. Analyze the impact of labor unions on the health care industry. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services human resource management. Write clearly and concisely about health services human resource management using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 360 Assignment 3: Human Resources Planning and Employee Relations Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Explain the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Provide support for your rationale. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely explained the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Did not submit or incompletely provided support for your rationale. Partially explained the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Partially provided support for your rationale. Satisfactorily explained the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Satisfactorily provided support for your rationale. Thoroughly explained the importance of maintaining accurate and objective employee records, indicating the consequences that may result from lack of record keeping. Thoroughly provided support for your rationale. 2. Provide an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely provided an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. Partially provided an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. Satisfactorily provided an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. Thoroughly provided an example of formal and an example of informal documentation that would normally be maintained in an employee file, indicating how each is likely to protect an employer. 3. Determine the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Provide support for your rationale Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely determined the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Did not submit or incompletely provided support for your rationale. Partially determined the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Partially provided support for your rationale. Satisfactorily determined the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Satisfactorily provided support for your rationale. Thoroughly determined the most significant factor that will ensure an effective legal termination, indicating the most likely way employees can protect themselves from termination in a downsizing situation. Thoroughly provided support for your rationale. 4. Analyze two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely analyzed two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. Partially analyzed two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. Satisfactorily analyzed two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. Thoroughly analyzed two (2) major challenges that today’s health care leaders face in trying to uphold the ethics of critique, justice, and caring, indicating how managers can balance the need for ethics with employee and organizational needs. 5. Create a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. (The plan should prescribe, at a minimum, how to identify employees for advancement, training and development programs, mentorships, and a timeline for preparing leaders for their role.) Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely created a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. Partially created a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. Satisfactorily created a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. Thoroughly created a detailed outline of an effective succession planning process that will help ensure a smooth transition as members of the management team at your organization begin to retire. 6. From both a management and employee perspective, justify or dispute unionization. Provide support for your rationale. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely justified or disputed unionization from both a management and employee perspective. Did not submit or incompletely provided support for your rationale. Partially justified or disputed unionization from both a management and employee perspective. Partially provided support for your rationale. Satisfactorily justified or disputed unionization from both a management and employee perspective. Satisfactorily provided support for your rationale. Thoroughly justified or disputed unionization from both a management and employee perspective. Thoroughly provided support for your rationale. 7. Suggest the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Provide support for your rationale. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely suggested the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Did not submit or incompletely provided support for your rationale. Partially suggested the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Partially provided support for your rationale. Satisfactorily suggested the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Satisfactorily provided support for your rationale. Thoroughly suggested the best way in which HR can continue to be an effective strategic partner in helping this organization achieve its future goals. Thoroughly provided support for your rationale. 8. 3 references Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 9. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 6 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present

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