CATEGORY Not acceptable Satisfactory Performance Outstanding Performance Financial Viability 15 Not quantified well or numbers weren t explained well 11 and september 2023

About Present Logitech
CATEGORY Not acceptable Satisfactory Performance Outstanding Performance Financial Viability 15% Not quantified well or numbers weren’t explained well 11 and less Analysis fairly clear, but Lacks important analysis nor conclusions. 12-16 Analysis very clear, as well as conclusions. 17-19 Vision, goals and planning 15% Critique not specific nor able to interpret direction of Logitech. 11 and less Analysis relatively clear, but few examples. 12-16 An excellent interpretation of vision/goals/planning with a discussion regarding future interests of Logitech. 16-19 Analysis of factors that stimulate (and repress) innovation: 10% One or two factors identified and/or not explained well for stimulating and repressing innovation. 8 or less 3 factors identified and explained relatively well for stimulating and repressing innovation. 9-10 At least 5 factors identified and explained well for each stimulating and repressing innovation. 11-12 Executive leadership 10% Not specific on whether Leadership is linked to Good choices of organizational action. 8 or less. discussion on match of executive leadership to appropriate change is not specific, less than 2 examples. 9-10 Excellent discussion on match of executive leadership to appropriate change, at least 3 good examples. 11-12 Use of global context:10% Analysis was very brief and not well described (one significant point). 8 or less Analysis was reasonably well described and had at least two significant points with examples. 9-10 Current use of global context very well done, with at least three significant points with examples. 11-12 Overall summary: SWOT: 15% Analysis difficult to follow, too Re overall organization; may also be brief 11 and less Analysis relatively clear but SWOT explained briefly (15 entries) and/or with some errors. 12-16 Analysis clear and concise of SWOT to explain with several examples with high quality 16+ entries Correlated to the analysis above. 17-20 Suggestions for future:15% Almost no creative ideas for future modifications in organization to assure innovation; little or no projecting future issues with supporting logic. 11 and less Some creative ideas for future modifications in organization to assure innovation; little or no projecting future issues with supporting logic. 12-16 Creative ideas for managing innovation in the future as well as identifying logical issues that may emerge. 17-19 Use of resources: 10% Thorough analysis in examining organization and competitors. Reputable, current info. References (less than 15) cited with some errors per guidelines. 8 or less Reasonable analysis in examining org. & competitors. Reputable, current refs. (15-19) cited per guidelines. Minor errors. 9-10 Detailed analysis in examining org. & competitors. Reputable, current refs. (20+) cited per guidelines 11-12

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