Document Preview Individual Assignment MGMT 225 Strategic Management Fall 2013 Grade weight 10 september 2023
Management Assignment
Document Preview: Individual Assignment MGMT 225: Strategic Management Fall 2013 Grade weight: 10% of total course marks Due date: Sept. 19 @ 11:58 PM (to be submitted via D2L) The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ critical thinking abilities. Addition skills development includes research, paraphrasing, referencing and effective communication. As such the solution for this assignment should demonstrate the analytical, writing and presentation skills required in today’s business environment. What is strategic management? Provide an example of strategy management. (3 + 2 = 5 marks) Explain the strategic management process? (5 marks) Who is involved with strategic management? Provide two examples of strategy management role players. (5 marks) What is competitive advantage? In your opinion, what is Apples Inc.’s competitive advantage? (5 marks) There are three competitive advantage views presented in the textbook. In your opinion, which one is the best and why? (5 marks) Explain the four implications of the three drivers of the new business environment listed on page 34 of the course textbook. (10 marks) Assignment is out 35 marks. Please follow APA (American Psychological Association) or HBS (Harvard Business School) citation style guidelines for the assignments. Assignments should be submitted to the Instructor before the deadline (on the due date before midnight) through D2L. Feedback and grades on assignments will be provided by the Instructor within 2 weeks. Late Assignments Assignments are mandatory and must be submitted via D2L before the specified deadline. Work handed in late will lose 5% of the marks received for each day delayed. Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances, as per College policies. Any assignment will NOT be accepted if it is over five days past due date, except under above mentioned circumstances.
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