Goals while Planning Identify an organizational structure for your company Choose from functional divisional matrix and geographic structures september 2023
Hiring and Organizing
Goals while Planning Identify an organizational structure for your company. Choose from functional, divisional, matrix, and geographic structures. Articulate two reasons why this structure fits the goals and focus of your company. View the background of the candidates below by clicking on their picture. Apply what you’ve learned about staffing and choose two managers that you believe will help you achieve your goals. For each new manager, explain how their background and diversity fits with the team that you’re trying to build. For each new manager, evaluate why they’re a good match with your chosen organizational structure. It’s very important in this assignment that you connect the goals set in planning with the organization and staffing decisions. Take time to explain how each choice matches your vision for the company. Click each picture below to view the background of the candidates. Raj Tanya Tyler Simmons Elizabeth Davies Emilia Rivera Walter Peterson Raj Tanya Experience: 5 years’ experience in a related field Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Traits: Strict, adapts quickly, micromanages employees, and follows directions Quote from Interview: “I can oversee any process, and I’ll make it as efficient and productive as possible.” Remember that this is your business, so be creative and have fun with the topic. Submission Instructions
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