It is Online EXAM You will have 2hrs and 45mins after I open the exam for september 2023

It is Online EXAM, You will have 2hrs and 45mins after I open the exam for finished. Make sure you can handle it. Time is very important for this exam. It has 8 essay question. The detail for the exam is below. Short essay questions can usually be answered with a few sentences or one paragraph and possibly bullet points highlighting specific parts of your answer. · Medium and long essay questions require answers that are a few of paragraphs in length (not a few sentences) that directly speak to each part of the question. Clearly the higher the point value the question, the more involved and longer will be the answer required. · Essay questions containing fact sets/case scenarios have vital information needed for your answer presented in narrative format, table format, or both. § These questions require that you analyze the information given, determine the most relevant facts presented, and construct your answer with specific reference to the information in the fact set/case scenario. § Failure to cite the information that you are basing your response on will result in less than full credit for your answer. · The MGMT591 Final has 10 total questions worth 230 points with more than half the points coming from the medium and long essay questions. · You will need to budget your time accordingly. · Some students opt to work on the longer essay questions first, due to their higher point value and the length of time needed to adequately address each question, but this is entirely your choice. · What is most important is that you budget your time across all the sections and are able to complete the exam in the given time. · Remember to always use proper citation when quoting other sources. This means that ANY borrowed material (even a short phrase) should be placed in quotation marks with the source (URL, author/date/page #) immediately following the end of the passage (the end quote). Changing a few words in a passage does NOT constitute putting it in your own words and proper citation is still required. Borrowed material should NOT dominate a student’s work, but should only be used sparingly to support your own thoughts, ideas, and examples. Heavy usage of borrowed material (even if properly cited) can jeopardize the points for that question. Un-sited material can jeopardize a passing grade on the exam. As a part of our commitment to academic integrity, your work may be submitted to, an online plagiarism checking service. Please be VERY mindful of proper citation. · Sample questions · A short answer question (20 point question) could have the following format § Please identify and briefly explain three of the five steps in creative thinking. · A medium/long (30–40 point) essay question could have a format as follows (this is not an actual question on the exam) § You are a graduate student who has been assigned as a teaching assistant for Extremely Famous Faculty Member X. Prof. X has asked you to redevelop the lecture segment on Decision Making for his Organizational Behavior class because he remembers what a stellar job you did in the class a few years ago. He has given you a blank slate with the only stipulations being that you must clearly identify and explainthree of the four decision-making models covered in the text, and to identify the three decision biases. You must conclude the lecture with an opening discussion question about the decision making model that you didn’t cover in your lecture to get the students talking. · Below please develop the required portions of your lecture, and also please explain why you elected to cover the fourth model via the discussion instead of one of the others. 8. Some of the key study areas are below. While these are key areas, the exam is comprehensive of the assigned course content and this study guide may not be all-inclusive. TCOsA, B Individual Differences/Diversity Management Perception & Attribution Culture TCO C Motivation Theories Content/Process Needs Equity Expectancy Rewards TCO D Teams Development/Effectiveness Communication Decision Making TCO E Communication Process Organizational TCO F Conflict Management Direct Indirect Negotiation Negotiation Strategies TCO G Power/Influence Types & Source of Power Leadership Trait/ Behavior Perspective All Situational Contingency Leadership Models TCO H Organizational Change Planned Change Model Resistance to Change TCO I Organizational Culture Application of Organizational Change Inventory TCO J Goals Departmental Structure Organizational Structure 9. Areas that were discussed in the threads will be prime targets. 10. Assignments will also be prime targets for revisiting. 11. Reviewing the TCOs will also be a great preparation for the Fina

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