PART 1 PLEASE RESPOND IN 275 WORDS Can Conflict be Managed Please september 2023
“Can Conflict be Managed?”
PART 1 PLEASE RESPOND IN 275 WORDS “Can Conflict be Managed?” Please respond to the following: •Watch the video titled, “Seth Godin on the Difference Between Leadership and Management” (7 min 12 s). You can also view the video at Leadership and management have been described as two (2) distinct but complimentary organizational systems by John Kotter. Abraham Zalenuk proposed that personalities of leaders and managers stand in contrast to one (1) another; therefore, which would you prefer to be considered and why? ORIGINAL WORK, NO PLAGIARISM, 1 REFERENCE PART 2 PLEASE RESPOND AND COMENT TO THIS DISCUSSION NO LESS THE 175 WORDS BASE ON 1 CREDIBLE RESORCE My preference is leadership. The leadership process involves, setting a direction throuh communication; and motivating people to action, partly through empowerment and partly through basic need gratification. The leadership process creates uncertainty and change in an organization. Effective leaders not only control the future of the organization but also act as enablers of change in organizations. I have always been a leader and not a follower. I like to be in charge of projects, making sure everyone work together to get the job done. I like to come up with ideas that would make a change in my department that would help the department to grow and strive for excellence. I was once a team-leader on my job, and I enjoyed giving out the work, and helping out my co-workers when they had problems. We also worked together as a team, through communication and motivation. ORIGINAL WORK, NO PLAGIARISM, 1 REFERENCE
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