Phase 4 ID Project Task Type Individual Project Deliverable Length 2 000 3 500 words september 2023

For Ladydee046
Phase 4 ID Project Task Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 2,000–3,500 words of new content Points Possible: 100 Due Date: 6/15/2015 11:59:59 PM CT Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. The two primary areas that you will thoroughly develop for this assignment are a motivation strategy/campaign and a communications plan based on your stakeholder analysis and stakeholder management strategy you accomplished in Phase 3. A table for identifying what stakeholder receives a particular type of communication might appear as a communication matrix as explained below. Assignment Deliverables: 1.Update your Key Assignment document title page with a new date and project name. 2.Update previously completed sections based on the instructor’s feedback. 3.Complete New Content below, and copy it under the sections in Key Assignment document called Stakeholder Management Plan and “Communications Plan.” New Content ◾ Stakeholder Management Plan i.Identify desired and current engagement levels of key stakeholders. ii.Identify interrelationships and potential overlap between stakeholders. iii.Identify at least 5 strategies you can use to engage your stakeholders. iv.Develop a Stakeholder Management Plan that utilizes your identified strategies to achieve your desired level of stakeholders’ engagement. v.Describe how the information you have included in your Stakeholder Management Plan will help you manage to achieve your desired level of stakeholders’ engagement. ◾ Communications Management Plan i.Identify which types of communication (such as regularly scheduled meetings, shared media such as SharePoint, email, social media, hardcopy reports, etc.) you will use to communicate project status. Be specific on timeframes, the types of information that will be shared, and the level of detail that will be shared with these tools. ii.Next, discuss which stakeholder groups will receive the specific types of communication you have identified. This can be done via a matrix or table by listing stakeholders in the left column, the types of communications along the top, and an “x” in the cells where a specific stakeholder group should receive a particular type communication. iii.Layout an authorization plan and who will need to sign-off on specific communications or movement to the next phase in a project. iv.Include samples of some of the reports or canned communications that would be sent. 4.Be sure to update your table of contents before submission. 5.Name the document LASTNAME_Firstname_MPM332_IP4.doc. 6.Note that this document will also be submitted as your Key Assignment Draft in the next Discussion Board

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